Knowledge Base

Renewable Generators: Voltage Droop Control with Deadband in Power Flow Solution

This article discusses a new feature that will be available in PowerWorld Simulator 21 when it released in 2019.  If you are a customer of PowerWorld Simulator who is interested in testing the feature before Simulator 21 is released, please contact PowerWorld Corporation at Presentation on Voltage Droop Control with Deadband White Paper on […]

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October 24, 2018

Improved Synchronous Machine Model GENTPW

Presentation on GENTPW Model White Paper on GENTPW Model PowerWorld Corporation has developed a new synchronous machine model named GENTPW.  This model has been implemented in PowerWorld Simulator Version 20 and is available now. This model extends enhancements made in the GENTPF/GENTPJ which more accurately represents the effect of saturation on the machine during steady […]

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October 24, 2018

GIC Time Varying Electric Field Example

PowerWorld Simulator supports binary and text file formats for time and spatially-varying geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) surface electric field inputs. This format allows development of detailed solar storm scenarios based on historic events or 3D earth conductivity models. Sample (B3D binary format) based on June 22, 2015 event [1], over footprint of the U.S. State of […]

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October 15, 2018

New Feature: Data Check

A new feature was added to PowerWorld Simulator in the April 9, 2018 patch of Simulator 20 called “Data Checks”. Data checks grew out of work that PowerWorld customers Jonathan Young (Columbia Grid) and John Gross (Avista Utilities) performed building on PowerWorld Simulator’s features of Advanced Filters, Calculated Fields, Dynamic Formatting, Expression and String Expressions. […]

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August 3, 2018

Applying Updates to Hardware Licenses

To perform the following instructions, you will need a .V2C file provided by PowerWorld. Once you have completed the following instructions, your hardware key will unlock Simulator or Retriever with the updated features. Locate the machine that hosts the hardware key. Simulator or Retriever must be installed on this machine to complete the process. Start […]

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July 23, 2018

Earth Resistivity Model for GIC Calculations

Updated February 8, 2022 with versions that do not contain dashes in the region set names PowerWorld Simulator GIC can automatically incorporate scaling factors for geomagnetic latitude and earth resistivity according to NERC TPL-007-2 – Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events (October 2017). The earth resistivity models must be loaded from an auxiliary file. […]

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January 31, 2018

Distributed Computing Setup

Distributed Computation Configuration To quickly check the configuration of a given machine, use the Distributed Computation Configuration utility (DistCompCfg.exe in the installation directory of the Simulator version you would like to configure for Distributed use). If a step is not configured correctly, the checkbox will not be marked. All machines involved in a Distributed Computing […]

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September 14, 2017

Play-in time series measurement data with PlayInGen model for Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV)

PlayIn models can be found in the Transient Stability add-on of Simulator. Many dynamic models comprise of differential-algebraic equations that respond to perturbations in a simulation. In contrast, these PlayIn models are used to input time-series data into a transient run at specified time points. In Simulator, a PlayIn Configuration object can be used to store […]

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February 8, 2017

Adding Voltage Compensation to a Generator Model

Generator Voltage Compensation The input signal to Exciter models is a voltage signal (often labeled as either Vc or Ec on a block diagram).  In the simplest form this is just the per unit voltage magnitude of the terminal bus of the generator.  However, sometimes instead of using that voltage signal directly, the voltage is compensated by attempting to control […]

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October 19, 2016