Play-in time series measurement data with PlayInGen model for Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV)
PlayIn models can be found in the Transient Stability add-on of Simulator. Many dynamic models comprise of differential-algebraic equations that respond to perturbations in a simulation. In contrast, these PlayIn models are used to input time-series data into a transient run at specified time points. In Simulator, a PlayIn Configuration object can be used to store this time-series data, and then PlayIn signals contained therein can associated with the different types of PlayIn models. Depending on the type of PlayIn model being used and the location the model is inserted at, the time-series data will be played at the appropriate location in the power system during the dynamic simulation run.
The use of PlayIn models has been suggested for verification/validation applications of power system models/data. There has been an interest to use this approach with data gathered from PMUs, or similar sensing devices. This article focuses on the use of a PlayInGen model to perform Power Plant Model Validation by playing in Voltage magnitude and frequency measurements collected at the terminal-bus of a power plant.
Although not in the scope of this article, it could be possible to extend this approach to a more granular intra-plant-level with the use of models such as PlayInRef, PlayInGov, and PlayInEx, and that would require the availability of additional time-series measurements of the plant’s exciter and/or governor references and output signals.
Case Setup
We will be using a 2-bus system, shown below, to emulate the power plant model being validated. PMU data has gathered at the high voltage bus (HS_GAS) of this generator, which will be played into the dynamic simulation by the PlayInGen machine model attached to the HS_GAS bus. The generator that is being tested is at LS_GAS bus, and is connected via a step-up transformer.
The goal is to play in the value of Voltage magnitude and frequency at the HS_GAS bus, and then compare the real and reactive power outputs measured by the PMU with the simulated values. The outcome of this type of comparison would be a binary Yes/No to whether the dynamic model adequately models the dynamic behaviour measured by the PMU.
This example will provide a tutorial of the following steps :
- Preparing the base case.
- Modifying the operating point to match the pre-disturbance conditions of the measurement data.
- Inputting the time-series disturbance data (from PMU, or possibly other sensing devices).
- Performing the dynamic model validation.
Note: This PPMV example is testing the entire plant as one, which includes (i) GENROU machine model, (ii) REXS exciter model, (iii) GGOV1 governor model, (iv) PSS2A stabilizer model, and also (v) the step-up transformer. Since the comparison is being done at the high voltage bus, if the real and reactive power values do not match, then additional analysis would be needed if it is of interest to narrow down to an exact model that might be the source of the mismatch between measurement and simulation data.
Video Tutorial
This video was prepared for the NASPI-NERC workshop, led by the Synchronized Measurement Subcommittee (SMS) held on October 18, 2016.
In this video, we will take a look at using the PlayInGen model to stream certain time-series data to a bus during a Transient Stability Simulation. The example we will go through is intended to demonstrate an approach to Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV), and provide an overview of the relevant software capabilities in PowerWorld Simulator.
PDF Slideshow
Cases and data
Tags: Cases,How-to,Presentation,Script,Transient Stability,Tutorial,Video
February 8, 2017