PJM Base Case Setup Process
Motivation: PJM Network Model power flow cases typically have a large generation/load imbalance that result in large positive or negative generation at the island slack bus and distorted flows on nearby lines and transformers. The island slack bus is often located within PJM. A recent example has -6.6 GW at Peach Bottom (PEACHBOT 22.00 kV). […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator,Tip
February 17, 2023
Play-in time series measurement data with PlayInGen model for Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV)
PlayIn models can be found in the Transient Stability add-on of Simulator. Many dynamic models comprise of differential-algebraic equations that respond to perturbations in a simulation. In contrast, these PlayIn models are used to input time-series data into a transient run at specified time points. In Simulator, a PlayIn Configuration object can be used to store […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Presentation,Script,Transient Stability,Tutorial,Video
February 8, 2017
Complete Case Auxiliary File Export Format Descriptions
PowerWorld’s Auxiliary File Format is very flexible in providing a mechanism for saving model information from PowerWorld Simulator. It also provides a great way to share information with others. This flexibility however has some downsides as puts additional burden on the user to know which things to save. Many tools within PowerWorld Simulator overcome this by including […]
May 13, 2016
Example of Geomagnetic Induced Current (GIC) Calculations
Appendix II of the Application Guide: Computing Geomagnetically-Induced Current in the Bulk-Power System published by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation shows calculations of GIC currents and related quantities for a hypothetical power system with 6 buses and 3 substations. This system is available here for use in PowerWorld Simulator. These may be examined in the free […]
July 18, 2014
PTDF and Contingency Analysis of a New Transaction
Auxiliary File: Transaction.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: PTDF.aux, BeforeTransactionCTGReport.txt, AfterTransactionCTGReport.txt (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) This script implements a large transaction from the left area to the top area of a seven-bus system and illustrates the effects of the transaction […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator
June 29, 2012
Profit Data and Market Power Scenarios
Auxiliary File: MarketPower.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: ProfitData.aux (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) This script records generator profit data while increasing the bid of one generator and taking a nearby generator out of service. The auxiliary file contains five script […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator
June 29, 2012
Moving and Combining Generators and Comparing Power Flows
Auxiliary File: Move-Combine.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: none (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) In this example we will use a script to combine and move generators in a seven-bus case. We will solve the power flow, move and combine some […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator
June 29, 2012
Adding Multiple Generators and Performing Contingency Analysis
Auxiliary File: NewGeneratorsCTG.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: NewGeneratorContingencyReport.txt (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) In this example we add two generators to the case and then solve the power flow, run contingency analysis and produce a contingency analysis report. There are […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator
June 29, 2012
New Generation Study
Auxiliary File: NewGenStudy.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: NewGenBefore.aux, NewGenAfter.aux, NewGenCTGBefore.txt, NewGenCTGAfter.txt (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) In this example we will add a new generator to a seven-bus system. We will first solve the power flow, run contingency analysis, calculate PTDFs, and save data to files. Then […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator
June 28, 2012
Contingency Analysis and Changing Data with Filters
Auxiliary File: CTG_Filters.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: CTG_Filters_BeforeReport.txt, CTG_Filters_AfterReport.txt (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) A script can be used to perform contingency analysis. In this example we will perform contingency analysis on a 7-bus system and produce a report. Next, we will change some data […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator
June 28, 2012