Historic North American GMD Events
PowerWorld Simulator supports binary and text file formats for time and spatially-varying geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) surface electric field inputs. This format allows development of detailed solar storm scenarios based on historic events or 3D earth conductivity models. Surface electric field models developed by NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center with Empirical Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions (EMTF), which […]
August 14, 2023
GIC Time Varying Electric Field Example
PowerWorld Simulator supports binary and text file formats for time and spatially-varying geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) surface electric field inputs. This format allows development of detailed solar storm scenarios based on historic events or 3D earth conductivity models. Sample (B3D binary format) based on June 22, 2015 event [1], over footprint of the U.S. State of […]
Tags: GIC,How-to,Simulator,Transient Stability,Video
October 15, 2018
Play-in time series measurement data with PlayInGen model for Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV)
PlayIn models can be found in the Transient Stability add-on of Simulator. Many dynamic models comprise of differential-algebraic equations that respond to perturbations in a simulation. In contrast, these PlayIn models are used to input time-series data into a transient run at specified time points. In Simulator, a PlayIn Configuration object can be used to store […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Presentation,Script,Transient Stability,Tutorial,Video
February 8, 2017
The PowerWorld Simulator 13 User Interface
The PowerWorld Simulator 13 User Interface
Tags: How-to,Simulator,Tutorial,Video
June 11, 2012