EMP Waveforms Based on Published Research
The newest builds of PowerWorld Simulator with the GIC add-on no longer contain a function to calculate time-varying series voltage inputs for EMP E3A and E3B time and spatial functions based on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) research [1] and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards. Going forward, non-uniform time and spatially varying electric fields will […]
Tags: GIC,How-to,Simulator,Tip
October 5, 2023
NOAA SWPC Geoelectric Field Models
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) offers geoelectric field inputs that can be used with PowerWorld Simulator GIC. Data are accessed from the SWPC Geoelectric Field Model landing page. The tabs at the top allow viewing of E-fields computed from 1D (EPRI) or 3D (NSF EarthScope USArray project) Earth resistivity […]
July 11, 2023
PJM Base Case Setup Process
Motivation: PJM Network Model power flow cases typically have a large generation/load imbalance that result in large positive or negative generation at the island slack bus and distorted flows on nearby lines and transformers. The island slack bus is often located within PJM. A recent example has -6.6 GW at Peach Bottom (PEACHBOT 22.00 kV). […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator,Tip
February 17, 2023
Add GIC-Related Object Data Fields to Displays
This auxiliary file (updated October 4, 2022) will modify Case Information Displays for the following objects to include GIC-related data fields: Bus Generator Load Branch Inputs Transformer Controls Switched Shunts Line Shunts Substation DC Transmission Line MTDC Converters VSC DC Lines This enables easy viewing, editing, and sharing of GIC-related data between Simulator users, without […]
October 4, 2022
Applying Multiple Faults Simultaneously in Transient Stability
A common question that PowerWorld support staff receives is as follows. Question: Can I apply multiple faults in a transient stability simulation simultaneously? Answer: Yes, absolutely! We agree that normally this would not happen in real life situations, however there are studies that power engineers do that may require this. Our customers in North American […]
Tags: How-to,Simulator,Tip,Transient Stability
January 8, 2021
NERC Book of Flowgates
A spreadsheet template for importing interfaces from the NERC Book of Flowgates (2018 edition) may be downloaded here. To use the spreadsheet: Place the original data from the NERC Book of Flowgates in the gray shaded region (columns A through AE, beginning with the column headers in row 2.) Add additional rows as needed. Copy […]
December 3, 2018
Applying Updates to Hardware Licenses
To perform the following instructions, you will need a .V2C file provided by PowerWorld. Once you have completed the following instructions, your hardware key will unlock Simulator or Retriever with the updated features. Locate the machine that hosts the hardware key. Simulator or Retriever must be installed on this machine to complete the process. Start […]
Tags: FAQ,Retriever,Simulator,Tip,Tutorial
July 23, 2018
Transient stability voltage collapse: See it with large plots and Min/Max result tracking
We had a rather strange support question from a customer running a transient stability run with a three-phase fault that was on for 2 seconds on a 230 kV bus (they were studying delayed clearing of a fault with about a dozen switching actions occurring which eventually cleared the fault after 2 seconds). The network boundary […]
Tags: FAQ,Simulator,Tip,Transient Stability
April 3, 2015
GIC and Substation Coordinates for Line Taps
To properly perform geomagnetic induced current (GIC) analysis, substation geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude) must be provided for all substations that contain terminals of transmission lines for which a GIC-induced equivalent DC voltage is applied. Generally this includes all lines greater than the minimum length and minimum voltage specified on the GIC Analysis Form. The need for coordinates […]
March 26, 2015
Assigning Costs to Control Adjustments in OPF
Download the example files. Simulator’s Optimal Power Flow (OPF) has 2 options for objective functions: Minimum Cost or Minimum Control Change. Generally Minimum Cost is used where generator bids or costs and load benefits are known. Minimum Control Change is used where it is desirable to relieve transmission overloads with minimum deviation from the present […]
March 2, 2015