How much does it cost? What about upgrades?
Commercial Version
A price sheet is available for PowerWorld Simulator and its associated Add-Ons. For other products, or any questions, please contact us for a quote. Software licenses include upgrades and support for one year. Additional licenses are available at a substantial discount.
Commercial Upgrades and Support
Simulator license purchases come with a one year maintenance agreement entitling users to upgrades and technical support. Renewal of maintenance is 25% of the current list price per year. Renewal is calculated from the expiration date to one year from the expiration date, or from the expiration date to one year from the current date, whichever is longer, up until renewal equals the cost of a new license. Maintenance includes full customer support as well as all upgrades and software patches.
Education Version
Educational versions of all products are available for use at universities by faculty, staff, and students for teaching and academic research. Contact PowerWorld Corporation at or by phone at +1 (217) 384-6330 for more information.
Are demo/evaluation versions available?
Yes, you can download an evaluation version of Simulator (limited to a maximum of 13 buses) that includes ATC, PVQV, OPF and SCOPF add-ons. Our free PowerWorld Viewer package contains most of the Simulator visualization capabilities and is capable of displaying systems containing up to 250,000 buses.
We can also make evaluation versions of the full Simulator package available on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more information on this option.
How do I order?
The first step is to email to request a quote. At the bottom of that quote we will list purchase and payment terms particular to your organization and the software being licensed. We can accept payment via ACH, wire transfer, or check in USD drawn from a bank with US correspondence. Some purchases can also be made via credit card. If you wish to pay via card please be sure to request an online payment quotation when you contact us.
If you have any questions you can also call us at +1 (217) 384-6330.
If you have a purchase order to send us, please send it to – this applies only to purchases for which a quotation shows a Net 30 Days PO will be accepted.