Generic Excitation Limiter Implementation
Type C excitation system transient stability models, as per IEEE standard 421.5-2016, have the ability to allow limiters to be added at one of multiple points within the model. The excitation limiters models also allow their own parameters to be modified, in order for them to be compatible with the exciter model that is in […]
Tags: Documentation,Simulator,Transient Stability
May 12, 2024
Induction Motor Modeling and Progressive Tripping and Reconnecting
The WECC MVS Load Meeting on August 10, 2021 was held via online web conference. Jamie Weber of PowerWorld Corporation presented several topics on induction motor modeling and progressive tripping reconnecting. Link to these presentations are as follows. Three Phase Induction Machine Model History Phasor Model of Single Phase Induction Motor Model INDMOT1P model documentation […]
Tags: Product,Simulator,Transient Stability
August 11, 2021
Applying Multiple Faults Simultaneously in Transient Stability
A common question that PowerWorld support staff receives is as follows. Question: Can I apply multiple faults in a transient stability simulation simultaneously? Answer: Yes, absolutely! We agree that normally this would not happen in real life situations, however there are studies that power engineers do that may require this. Our customers in North American […]
Tags: How-to,Simulator,Tip,Transient Stability
January 8, 2021
Synchronous Machine Theory: New GENQEC Model
PowerWorld Director of Software Development gave a presentation at the WECC MVWG meeting in Salt Lake City on November 21, 2019. This presentations gives a very detailed theoretical look at where the synchronous machine numerical model comes from. Synchronous Machines Theory The presentation was given to provide background on where the need for a new […]
Tags: FAQ,Presentation,Product,Simulator,Transient Stability
November 20, 2019
Improved Synchronous Machine Model GENTPW
Presentation on GENTPW Model White Paper on GENTPW Model PowerWorld Corporation has developed a new synchronous machine model named GENTPW. This model has been implemented in PowerWorld Simulator Version 20 and is available now. This model extends enhancements made in the GENTPF/GENTPJ which more accurately represents the effect of saturation on the machine during steady […]
Tags: Presentation,Simulator,Technical Papers,Transient Stability
October 24, 2018
GIC Time Varying Electric Field Example
PowerWorld Simulator supports binary and text file formats for time and spatially-varying geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) surface electric field inputs. This format allows development of detailed solar storm scenarios based on historic events or 3D earth conductivity models. Sample (B3D binary format) based on June 22, 2015 event [1], over footprint of the U.S. State of […]
Tags: GIC,How-to,Simulator,Transient Stability,Video
October 15, 2018
Play-in time series measurement data with PlayInGen model for Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV)
PlayIn models can be found in the Transient Stability add-on of Simulator. Many dynamic models comprise of differential-algebraic equations that respond to perturbations in a simulation. In contrast, these PlayIn models are used to input time-series data into a transient run at specified time points. In Simulator, a PlayIn Configuration object can be used to store […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Presentation,Script,Transient Stability,Tutorial,Video
February 8, 2017
Adding Voltage Compensation to a Generator Model
Generator Voltage Compensation The input signal to Exciter models is a voltage signal (often labeled as either Vc or Ec on a block diagram). In the simplest form this is just the per unit voltage magnitude of the terminal bus of the generator. However, sometimes instead of using that voltage signal directly, the voltage is compensated by attempting to control […]
Tags: How-to,Simulator,Transient Stability,Tutorial
October 19, 2016
Coordinated Initialization of the Load Distribution Equivalent, Load Characteristic, and Load Distributed Generation Models
Generator modeling in transient stability simulation software has been modularized for decades. Generators are modeled using a Machine Model, Exciter, Governor, Stabilizer, etc. Several new modules for generators have been added in the past few years specifically for wind turbine and renewable energy modeling. Load models however had remained stuck with only 2 models: a load […]
Tags: Simulator,Technical Papers,Transient Stability
January 8, 2016
Derivation of the GENTPJ/GENTPF model from the GENROU/GENSAL
Relationship of GENROU, GENSAL, GENTPF, GENTPJ.pdf A set of presentation slides on this topic is also available at this link: Slides on GENROU-GENSAL-GENTPF-GENTPJ_Slides.pdf A fundamental derivation of a GENROU and GENSAL models can found in Chapter 3 of the book Power System Dynamics and Stability by Peter Sauer and M.A. Pai from 1998. This derivation […]
Tags: Simulator,Technical Papers,Transient Stability
October 22, 2015