PowerWorld Corporation provides software training in the use of PowerWorld Simulator and add-on products OPF/SCOPF, ATC, PVQV, Transient Stability, and SimAuto. Our training also covers some basics of the engineering, operations, and economics of interconnected power systems.
Core PowerWorld Simulator training is offered across four courses as follows:
- Introduction to PowerWorld Simulator: Interface and Common Tools (4 half-days)
- Power Systems Economics and Market Modeling with PowerWorld Simulator (3 half-days)
- Steady-State Power System Security Analysis with PowerWorld Simulator (4 half-days)
- Transient Stability Analysis with PowerWorld Simulator (3 half-days)
Additional course materials are also available for these special topics:
The courses cover techniques for power system modeling and simulation, providing a framework for analysis of system design, operation, and economics. PowerWorld Simulator will be used for development and demonstration of system models. Course participants will learn to develop power system models, perform system analysis, and to create visual simulations that illustrate their results. In total, the courses cover:
- Interactive simulation of large-scale interconnected power systems
- Economics of generators and interchange transactions
- Use of animated one-line diagrams to rapidly assess power system operating conditions
- Utilization of pan and zoom features to simulate and display systems
- of almost any size at different levels of detail
- Reduction of large system models into equivalent circuits
- Advanced visualization techniques such as contouring of bus and flow data
- Construction of equivalent power systems
- Contingency Analysis
- Unbalanced Fault Analysis
- Linear Analysis Techniques including
- Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDFs),
- Transmission Loading Relief (TLR) Sensitivities,
- Generation Shift Factors (GSFs),
- Outage Transfer Distribution Factors (OTDFs),
- and Line Outage Distribution Factors (LODFs)
- OPF – Optimal Power Flow
- SCOPF – Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow
- ATC – Available Transfer Capability
- PVQV – Voltage Stability Analysis
- Transient Stability Analysis
- SimAuto – Automation Server
Simulator OPF allows you to optimally dispatch generation in an area or group of areas while simultaneously enforcing the transmission line and interface limits. Course participants will learn how to use Simulator OPF to calculate marginal prices at each bus in a system (also known as locational marginal prices or LMPs). Other topics covered will include the introduction of the economic principles underlying spot-pricing, data requirements of the OPF, and interpreting unenforceable constraints.
Simulator ATC allows you to determine the maximum MW transfer possible between two parts of the power system without violating any transmission line limits. This is the same calculation commonly performed by system operators or market operators.
Simulator PVQV allows you to identify static voltage stability limits and reactive power margins. You can then use this information to determine how to strengthen the system by modeling and evaluating the effectiveness of proposed changes.
Simulator Transient Stability performs detailed transient modeling of contingencies.
Simulator SimAuto is a COM Automation Server which allows you to control Simulator from custom applications developed in environments such as Visual Basic for Applications, C++, and MATLAB.