WECC Area Interchange Diagram
These files include one-line diagrams and support files to show area interchange in WECC cases. A description of each file is as follows: WECCAreaDIagramGE.pwd: a one-line diagram similar to those developed in the GE PSLF program. (Interface quantities are complete in the Northwest region but may need to be added elsewhere for completeness.) WECCAreaDiagramGE.aux: auto-inserts […]
July 26, 2023
PJM Base Case Setup Process
Motivation: PJM Network Model power flow cases typically have a large generation/load imbalance that result in large positive or negative generation at the island slack bus and distorted flows on nearby lines and transformers. The island slack bus is often located within PJM. A recent example has -6.6 GW at Peach Bottom (PEACHBOT 22.00 kV). […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator,Tip
February 17, 2023
Add GIC-Related Object Data Fields to Displays
This auxiliary file (updated October 4, 2022) will modify Case Information Displays for the following objects to include GIC-related data fields: Bus Generator Load Branch Inputs Transformer Controls Switched Shunts Line Shunts Substation DC Transmission Line MTDC Converters VSC DC Lines This enables easy viewing, editing, and sharing of GIC-related data between Simulator users, without […]
October 4, 2022
Bus DC Loss Multiplier Setup
This auxiliary file may be used to set the Bus DC Loss Multiplier field based on the losses in each bus’s Area, Zone, or the Entire Case. Script statements are included for each of these three options. Please open the file in a text editor and place the comment string “\\” in front of those […]
February 22, 2021
Aux Export Format Description for GIC Data
This auxiliary file (updated April 20, 2020) creates an Auxiliary File Export Format Description for Geomagnetic Induced Current (GIC) related data. The data include, but are not limited to, earth model geographic region definitions, GIC Options, GMD storm inputs, and power system object parameters such as geographic location, DC resistance, and transformer configuration and core […]
November 13, 2019
Earth Resistivity Model for GIC Calculations
Updated February 8, 2022 with versions that do not contain dashes in the region set names PowerWorld Simulator GIC can automatically incorporate scaling factors for geomagnetic latitude and earth resistivity according to NERC TPL-007-2 – Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events (October 2017). The earth resistivity models must be loaded from an auxiliary file. […]
January 31, 2018
Play-in time series measurement data with PlayInGen model for Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV)
PlayIn models can be found in the Transient Stability add-on of Simulator. Many dynamic models comprise of differential-algebraic equations that respond to perturbations in a simulation. In contrast, these PlayIn models are used to input time-series data into a transient run at specified time points. In Simulator, a PlayIn Configuration object can be used to store […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Presentation,Script,Transient Stability,Tutorial,Video
February 8, 2017
Using Special Variables with Scripts or SimAuto
Some Simulator functions cause special variables to be created for storing results. The multiple element TLR sensitivity is a common example. Special variables are used to hold the sensitivities of flows on those multiple elements with respect to injections at various points. The number of special variables in use depends on the number of branches […]
Tags: How-to,Script,SimAuto,Simulator
February 1, 2016
Transformer GIC Thermal Response
This spreadsheet (revised November 3, 2017) includes sample formulas for calculating transformer winding and metallic parts hot spot temperatures as described in the NERC white papers Transformer Thermal Impact Assessment White Paper and Screening Criterion for Transformer Thermal Impact Assessment. It is provided with the following disclaimers: Input parameters in this spreadsheet are samples provided for illustration […]
February 9, 2015
Transformer Time-Series for NERC Benchmark GMD Event and Supplemental GMD Event
The following input files may be loaded to automatically simulate the time-series surface electric fields in the NERC Benchmark Geomagnetic Disturbance Event (May 12, 2016) and Supplemental Event. Benchmark Event (updated November 2, 2017) Supplemental Event (updated June 8, 2018) From PowerWorld Simulator GIC, choose the “Spatially Uniform Time-Varying E-Field” Calculation Mode. Then point to the downloaded CSV file in the “Time-Varying […]
October 10, 2014