Knowledge Base

Improved Synchronous Machine Model GENTPW

PowerWorld Corporation has developed a new synchronous machine model named GENTPW.  This model has been implemented in PowerWorld Simulator Version 20 and is available now.

This model extends enhancements made in the GENTPF/GENTPJ which more accurately represents the effect of saturation on the machine during steady state tests.  The ideas of GENTPF/GENTPJ have been extended to the dynamic behavior of the synchronous machine.  In addition the GENTPW modifies the input to the saturation function by scaling the contribution to saturation of the flux on the q axis differently than the d-axis.

PowerWorld has tested this model on generator test data provided by the Bonneville Power Administration and shown that it maintains the desirable matching of steady state test and measurements of field current and voltage that BPA has seen with GENTPF/GENTPJ, while at the same time, it has shown a better match of the dynamic response than GENTPF/GENTPJ.

A presentation has been made to cover the background of the GENTPW model.  In addition, a very detailed white paper has been written providing more theoretical background on this synchronous machine model and a thorough treatment of how to initialize this model in software.  The initialization of the GENTPW model is more complex than previous synchronous machine models due to the saturation function chosen.

The presentations above were made at two meetings in November 2018.

  • NERC SAMS meeting on November 7, 2018 at MISO offices in Eagan, Minnesota.
  • WECC MVWG meeting on November 29, 2018 at WECC offices in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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October 24, 2018