Coordinated Initialization of the Load Distribution Equivalent, Load Characteristic, and Load Distributed Generation Models
Generator modeling in transient stability simulation software has been modularized for decades. Generators are modeled using a Machine Model, Exciter, Governor, Stabilizer, etc. Several new modules for generators have been added in the past few years specifically for wind turbine and renewable energy modeling. Load models however had remained stuck with only 2 models: a load characteristic and a load relays.
As load models become more complex the need to modularize them, to match what was done decades ago for generators, has become clear. In 2013 PowerWorld Simulator 17 introduced the concept of a distribution equivalent model which is another distinct type of module. In November 2015, Simulator 19 introduced the concept of a Load Distributed Generation Model as yet another distinct module. Thus the transient stability model of a load now has 5 types of modules
- Static Load Characteristic
- Dynamic Load Characteristic
- Distribution Equivalent
- Load Relay
- Load Distributed Generation Model
The coordinated initialization process for modules is important. James Weber of PowerWorld Corporation gave a presentation providing technical details of this initialization process at the NERC Load Model Task Force held at WECC offices in Salt Lake City on January 13 and 14, 2016. A copy of the white paper and the presentation material for this presentation are available as follows.
- White Paper on Coordinated Initialization of the Load Distribution Equivalent, Load Characteristic, and Load Distributed Generation Models
- Presentation on Coordinated Initialization of the Load Distribution Equivalent, Load Characteristic, and Load Distributed Generation Models
Tags: Simulator,Technical Papers,Transient Stability
January 8, 2016