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Generic Excitation Limiter Implementation

Type C excitation system transient stability models, as per IEEE standard 421.5-2016, have the ability to allow limiters to be added at one of multiple points within the model. The excitation limiters models also allow their own parameters to be modified, in order for them to be compatible with the exciter model that is in place at a generator unit. This creates a situation of where exciter-limiter pairs could be configured incorrectly, which could cause odd behavior during initialization and the rest of the transient stability simulation. Usually this would be quite evident as a sudden curtailment of reactive power leading to unexpected voltage instabilities; however, it is tedious to troubleshoot for large interconnection cases.

To help with this issue, all excitation limiter and exciter models have been modified using a uniform approach. This allows the software to automatically flag badly configured exciter-limiter pairs, while allowing the type C and older exciter models to be used interchangeably with any compatible UEL/OEL/SCL, as long as they are compatible. As users upgrade exciter and limiter models in stages (over months or years), this automated check allows greater ease and confidence in simulating large cases and provides the necessary feedback to rectify bad model parameters.

IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies (

Report: Generic Excitation Limiter Implementation

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May 12, 2024