WECC RAS and Contingency Workshop Materials
PowerWorld Corporation staff led a RAS Modeling Workshop at WECC offices on May 27 – 29, 2015 in Salt Lake City. This workshop consisted generally of the following material. 3 hours of pure presentations 4 hours of basic software training on PowerWorld Simulator 7 hours of hands-on workshop with engineers from throughout WECC sitting down to model […]
Tags: Presentation,Simulator,Tutorial
June 2, 2015
Transient stability voltage collapse: See it with large plots and Min/Max result tracking
We had a rather strange support question from a customer running a transient stability run with a three-phase fault that was on for 2 seconds on a 230 kV bus (they were studying delayed clearing of a fault with about a dozen switching actions occurring which eventually cleared the fault after 2 seconds). The network boundary […]
Tags: FAQ,Simulator,Tip,Transient Stability
April 3, 2015
GIC and Substation Coordinates for Line Taps
To properly perform geomagnetic induced current (GIC) analysis, substation geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude) must be provided for all substations that contain terminals of transmission lines for which a GIC-induced equivalent DC voltage is applied. Generally this includes all lines greater than the minimum length and minimum voltage specified on the GIC Analysis Form. The need for coordinates […]
March 26, 2015
Assigning Costs to Control Adjustments in OPF
Download the example files. Simulator’s Optimal Power Flow (OPF) has 2 options for objective functions: Minimum Cost or Minimum Control Change. Generally Minimum Cost is used where generator bids or costs and load benefits are known. Minimum Control Change is used where it is desirable to relieve transmission overloads with minimum deviation from the present […]
March 2, 2015
Transformer GIC Thermal Response
This spreadsheet (revised November 3, 2017) includes sample formulas for calculating transformer winding and metallic parts hot spot temperatures as described in the NERC white papers Transformer Thermal Impact Assessment White Paper and Screening Criterion for Transformer Thermal Impact Assessment. It is provided with the following disclaimers: Input parameters in this spreadsheet are samples provided for illustration […]
February 9, 2015
Optimal Power Flow with Load Dispatch
Download the example files. These examples show how Simulator’s Optimal Power Flow (OPF) may be used with dispatchable loads to relive transmission overloading. First, the OPF may be used with the minimum control change objective function. Here, the “cost” of changing a control (generator or load output) is the same for each MW of change […]
January 5, 2015
How to specify different Voltage Deviation Limits for different buses in Contingency Analysis
PowerWorld Simulator allows you to monitor for violations based on the change in a value relative to the reference state (base case). This was already covered in the knowledge base article at WECC Post Contingency Voltage Drop Criteria Monitoring. This works well if you have the same percentage drop violation for all buses in your system. […]
Tags: How-to,Product,Simulator,Tip,Type
January 2, 2015
Interactive Tutorial
This tutorial features a fictitious power system the size of a medium-sized city. The simulations explore several facets of power system planning and operations, including: addition or removal of transmission facilities addition, de-rating, or removal of generating resources demand response and use of customer-owned generation, such as rooftop solar physical or cyber attack on a […]
Tags: Presentation,Simulator,Tutorial
December 3, 2014
Transformer Time-Series for NERC Benchmark GMD Event and Supplemental GMD Event
The following input files may be loaded to automatically simulate the time-series surface electric fields in the NERC Benchmark Geomagnetic Disturbance Event (May 12, 2016) and Supplemental Event. Benchmark Event (updated November 2, 2017) Supplemental Event (updated June 8, 2018) From PowerWorld Simulator GIC, choose the “Spatially Uniform Time-Varying E-Field” Calculation Mode. Then point to the downloaded CSV file in the “Time-Varying […]
October 10, 2014
Example of Geomagnetic Induced Current (GIC) Calculations
Appendix II of the Application Guide: Computing Geomagnetically-Induced Current in the Bulk-Power System published by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation shows calculations of GIC currents and related quantities for a hypothetical power system with 6 buses and 3 substations. This system is available here for use in PowerWorld Simulator. These may be examined in the free […]
July 18, 2014