Working with Hard-To-Solve Power Flow Cases
Working with Hard-To-Solve Power Flow Cases, by James Weber, presented at PowerWorld Users Group Meetings, 2004.
Tags: Presentation,Simulator
January 1, 2004
Competition Requires Transmission Capacity: The Case of the U.S. Northeast
The following cases were used to generate their respective figures in the July 2000 article in Regulation magazine entitled: “Competition Requires Transmission Capacity: The Case of the U.S. Northeast”. All files in the below list are *.zip files containing PowerWorld Binary (*.pwb) and PowerWorld Display (*.pwd) files. These cases may be viewed using PowerWorld Viewer, which is available here for free download. […]
Tags: Cases,Simulator,Technical Papers,Viewer
July 1, 2000
InfoVis 2000: New Methods for the Visualization of Electric Power System Information
Tom Overbye’s Slide Show from InfoVis 2000 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Tags: Presentation,Simulator
January 1, 2000
PowerWorld OPF Training October 1999
PowerWorld Simulator OPF, by Tom Overbye, presented at PowerWorld Simulator Training Course in October, 1999. Includes slides of calculated LMPs for New York and New England.
Tags: Presentation,Simulator
October 1, 1999
Actual PJM LMPs
Acutal PJM Locational Marginal Price Data as Shown in PowerWorld Simulator Contour Plot, several hours on July 19, 1999 by PowerWorld Corporation (several slides, 717 kB).
Tags: Presentation,Simulator
July 19, 1999
Market Power Evaluation in Power Systems with Congestion
Market Power Evaluation in Power Systems with Congestion, by Tom Overbye, presented at 1999 IEEE Summer Meeting.
Tags: Presentation,Simulator
June 29, 1999