Derivation of the GENTPJ/GENTPF model from the GENROU/GENSAL
Relationship of GENROU, GENSAL, GENTPF, GENTPJ.pdf
A set of presentation slides on this topic is also available at this link: Slides on GENROU-GENSAL-GENTPF-GENTPJ_Slides.pdf
A fundamental derivation of a GENROU and GENSAL models can found in Chapter 3 of the book Power System Dynamics and Stability by Peter Sauer and M.A. Pai from 1998. This derivation starts from first principals represented by equations 3.1 – 3.9 on page 24 – 25 and culminates in Equations 3.148 – 3.159 on page 42. The equations on page 42 of Sauer/Pai essentially represent the block diagrams for GENROU and GENSAL without saturation (though there are some minor sign convention differences). Saturation is then discussed in more detail by including additive terms similar to what is done for GENROU and GENSAL. We have not found a fundamental derivation of the GENTPF/GENTPJ model equations. There are papers from the late 1960s which show equations very similar to them but the papers present them without the fundamental derivation as found in Sauer/Pai. These papers are
- Olive, D.W., “New Techniques for Calculation of Dynamic Stability”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol PAS-85, No. 7, July 1966, pp. 767-777.
Equations (9) – (14) in this paper provide the fundamental start of the GENTPF/GENTPJ equations. - Olive, D.W., “Digital Simulation of Synchronous Machines Transients”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol PAS-87, No. 8. Pp 1669-1675.
Equations (18) – (27) in this paper extend the earlier paper to more dynamic variables
The full equations used for GENTPF/GENTPJ were consolidated in a very short 2 page write-up by John Undrill for WECC on November 19, 2007 and then corrected on June 19, 2012. A link to this paper as of October 22, 2015 is found at .
PowerWorld has looked into it the history of the GENTPF/GENTPJ model and has put together a PDF document that goes through showing how John Undrill’s writeup to WECC results in the block diagram and network interface algebra used in the GENTPF/GENTPJ models. We also then provide the theoretical framework showing that the GENROU and GENTPF/GENTPJ equations are the same but with saturation modeled differently. You can download this document at Relationship of GENROU, GENSAL, GENTPF, GENTPJ.pdf.
A set of presentation slides on this topic is also available at this link: Slides on GENROU-GENSAL-GENTPF-GENTPJ_Slides.pdf
Tags: Simulator,Technical Papers,Transient Stability
October 22, 2015