Knowledge Base

NOAA SWPC Geoelectric Field Models

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) offers geoelectric field inputs that can be used with PowerWorld Simulator GIC. Data are accessed from the  SWPC Geoelectric Field Model landing page.  The tabs at the top allow viewing of E-fields computed from 1D (EPRI) or 3D (NSF EarthScope USArray project) Earth resistivity […]

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July 11, 2023

PJM Base Case Setup Process

Motivation: PJM Network Model power flow cases typically have a large generation/load imbalance that result in large positive or negative generation at the island slack bus and distorted flows on nearby lines and transformers. The island slack bus is often located within PJM. A recent example has -6.6 GW at Peach Bottom (PEACHBOT 22.00 kV). […]

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February 17, 2023

Add GIC-Related Object Data Fields to Displays

This auxiliary file (updated October 4, 2022) will modify Case Information Displays for the following objects to include GIC-related data fields: Bus Generator Load Branch Inputs Transformer Controls Switched Shunts Line Shunts Substation DC Transmission Line MTDC Converters VSC DC Lines This enables easy viewing, editing, and sharing of GIC-related data between Simulator users, without […]

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October 4, 2022

3D File Format for GMD/HEMP Event Inputs

The B3D binary file format uses little-endian order and holds two-dimensional, time-varying data such as electric fields on the surface of the earth. Because the magnitude and direction can be non-uniform in time and space, it can be used where a 3D earth resistivity model is assumed. Applications in PowerWorld Simulator include geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) […]

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January 31, 2022

Induction Motor Modeling and Progressive Tripping and Reconnecting

The WECC MVS Load Meeting on August 10, 2021 was held via online web conference.  Jamie Weber of PowerWorld Corporation presented several topics on induction motor modeling and progressive tripping reconnecting.  Link to these presentations are as follows. Three Phase Induction Machine Model History Phasor Model of Single Phase Induction Motor Model INDMOT1P model documentation […]

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August 11, 2021

N-1-1 Contingency Scenario ATC Analysis

The ATC analysis in Simulator can include a set of contingencies defined in the contingency analysis tool during the ATC calculation.  The key is getting that list of contingencies defined for the N-1-1 contingencies.  Each contingency will have 2 actions defined, which Simulator will evaluate for outages when calculating the sensitivities used for the ATC […]

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March 3, 2021

Bus DC Loss Multiplier Setup

This auxiliary file may be used to set the Bus DC Loss Multiplier field based on the losses in each bus’s Area, Zone, or the Entire Case. Script statements are included for each of these three options. Please open the file in a text editor and place the comment string “\\” in front of those […]

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February 22, 2021

Synchronous Machine Theory: New GENQEC Model

PowerWorld Director of Software Development gave a presentation at the WECC MVWG meeting in Salt Lake City on November 21, 2019. This presentations gives a very detailed theoretical look at where the synchronous machine numerical model comes from. Synchronous Machines Theory The presentation was given to provide background on where the need for a new […]

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November 20, 2019

Aux Export Format Description for GIC Data

This auxiliary file (updated April 20, 2020) creates an Auxiliary File Export Format Description for Geomagnetic Induced Current (GIC) related data. The data include, but are not limited to, earth model geographic region definitions, GIC Options, GMD storm inputs, and power system object parameters such as geographic location, DC resistance, and transformer configuration and core […]

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November 13, 2019