Knowledge Base

Comparing Contingency Results

The Knowledge Base Article will cover how to take several contingency analysis runs done on the same system topology under different conditions and then build an Microsoft Access database that uses a query to compare the results across different contingency runs. Creating a Test Example of Three Different Contingency Analysis Runs on the same case […]

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November 15, 2013

Case Study in Using Auxiliary File Scripting with Advanced Filters, Custom Floats, and Expressions

This is a case study that demonstrates how to automate the process of replicating the net reactive capability curve from a set of renewable generators behind a small distribution system which is connected to a single utility bus.  This serves as a wonderful example for demonstrating several topics. Use of auxiliary files to automate processes […]

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June 6, 2013

Example SimAuto Files

Right-click on the file links below and select “Save target as…” to save them to your computer. SimAuto version 12 (and later) Microsoft® Visual Basic for Applications Examples Running from Microsoft® Excel: Running from Microsoft® Access: ATC Calculator (includes database, cases, and support files) Multi-period Market Simulation (includes database, cases, and support files; unzip […]

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July 31, 2012

Enabling AGC control of ISO-NE in cases where it spans multiple islands

Auxiliary File: HighgateIsland.aux (Right-click on the above file and select Save Target As to save it to your computer.) In some Eastern Interconnect planning models, the ISO-NE area spans multiple islands that contain multiple areas. Some of its buses, loads, and generators are connected to the rest of the area through the Highgate AC-DC-AC link […]

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June 29, 2012

PTDF and Contingency Analysis of a New Transaction

Auxiliary File: Transaction.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: PTDF.aux, BeforeTransactionCTGReport.txt, AfterTransactionCTGReport.txt (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) This script implements a large transaction from the left area to the top area of a seven-bus system and illustrates the effects of the transaction […]

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June 29, 2012

Profit Data and Market Power Scenarios

Auxiliary File: MarketPower.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: ProfitData.aux (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) This script records generator profit data while increasing the bid of one generator and taking a nearby generator out of service. The auxiliary file contains five script […]

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June 29, 2012

Moving and Combining Generators and Comparing Power Flows

Auxiliary File: Move-Combine.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: none (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) In this example we will use a script to combine and move generators in a seven-bus case. We will solve the power flow, move and combine some […]

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June 29, 2012

Adding Multiple Generators and Performing Contingency Analysis

Auxiliary File: NewGeneratorsCTG.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: NewGeneratorContingencyReport.txt (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) In this example we add two generators to the case and then solve the power flow, run contingency analysis and produce a contingency analysis report. There are […]

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June 29, 2012

New Generation Study

Auxiliary File: NewGenStudy.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: NewGenBefore.aux, NewGenAfter.aux, NewGenCTGBefore.txt, NewGenCTGAfter.txt (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) In this example we will add a new generator to a seven-bus system. We will first solve the power flow, run contingency analysis, calculate PTDFs, and save data to files. Then […]

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June 28, 2012

Contingency Analysis and Changing Data with Filters

Auxiliary File: CTG_Filters.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: CTG_Filters_BeforeReport.txt, CTG_Filters_AfterReport.txt (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) A script can be used to perform contingency analysis. In this example we will perform contingency analysis on a 7-bus system and produce a report. Next, we will change some data […]

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June 28, 2012