Creating an Equivalent System
Auxiliary File: Equivalence.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: none (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) In this example we will use a script to create an equivalent system for one area in a seven-bus case. The auxiliary file contains three script sections: Base solves the […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator
June 28, 2012
Auxiliary Files
PowerWorld has combined a script language with auxiliary data formats to automate routine tasks. To help you get started writing scripts for PowerWorld Simulator, we have provided several short examples: Creating an Equivalent System Contingency Analysis and Changing Data with Filters New Generation Study Adding Multiple Generators and Performing Contingency Analysis Moving and Combining Generators […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Presentation,Script,Simulator
June 28, 2012
Creating Diagrams: Auto-Insert Buses/Substations
PowerWorld can store geographic latitude/longitude coordinates for bus and substation objects. You can automatically insert these objects into your system diagrams using either the specified geographic coordinates, or x/y coordinates imported from a file. Note: Auto-insert buses is only for inserting bus objects on the diagram representing existing data. In other words, you cannot use […]
Tags: How-to,Simulator,Tutorial
June 28, 2012
Creating Diagrams: Auto-Insert Other Objects
Once you have inserted bus, substation, area or zone objects onto your diagram, you can automatically insert other display objects that already exist as part of the power system model. Select Insert >> Auto-Insert from the main menu, then select the object type you would like to insert. Users can choose among lines, generators, loads, interfaces, and […]
Tags: How-to,Simulator,Tutorial
June 28, 2012
Modifying Diagrams
Selecting and formatting objects To select a single object, left-click on the object. You can then format the object by using the options available from the Format menu. To select multiple objects use Shift Select, Select Region, or Select by Criteria (see below); then use the options available on the Format menu to format all […]
Tags: How-to,Simulator,Tutorial
June 28, 2012
Creating Diagrams – Insert Palettes
Once you have created your system model and loaded it in to PowerWorld, you can use insert palettes to drag-and-drop buses, substations, areas or zones on to your system diagrams. Select Insert >> Show Insert Palette for >> Buses from the main menu. The dialog shown below opens Insert Palette To insert a display object, left-click on […]
June 28, 2012
Creating Diagrams – Default Drawing Values
The Default Drawing Values for New Objects dialog (shown below) allows you to specify the formatting to be applied to new display objects and to save or load the formatting styles to an auxiliary file. Select Options >> Default Drawing Values from the main menu to open the dialog. Default Drawing Values Dialog Please consult Simulator Help for information on using […]
June 28, 2012
The PowerWorld Simulator 13 User Interface
The PowerWorld Simulator 13 User Interface
Tags: How-to,Simulator,Tutorial,Video
June 11, 2012
Simulator Tip: Automated Diagram Creation and Modification Tools
Simulator provides a number of tools to aid you in creating and modifying system diagrams rapidly and efficiently: You can specify default drawing values for display objects based on object type and nominal kV. These values can also be saved to or loaded from auxiliary files providing continuity when creating multiple diagrams. Insert palettes for […]
April 16, 2012
Creating and Modifying System Diagrams
Simulator provides a number of tools to aid you in creating and modifying system diagrams rapidly and efficiently: You can specify default drawing values for display objects based on object type and nominal kV. These values can also be saved to or loaded from auxiliary files providing continuity when creating multiple diagrams. Insert palettes for […]
Tags: Cases,Technical Papers,Tip
October 4, 2011