Creating an Equivalent System
Auxiliary File: Equivalence.aux PowerWorld Case: B7OPF.pwb PowerWorld Oneline: B7OPF.pwd Output Files: none (Right-click on the above files and select Save Target As to save them to your computer.) In this example we will use a script to create an equivalent system for one area in a seven-bus case. The auxiliary file contains three script sections: Base solves the […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Script,Simulator
June 28, 2012
Auxiliary Files
PowerWorld has combined a script language with auxiliary data formats to automate routine tasks. To help you get started writing scripts for PowerWorld Simulator, we have provided several short examples: Creating an Equivalent System Contingency Analysis and Changing Data with Filters New Generation Study Adding Multiple Generators and Performing Contingency Analysis Moving and Combining Generators […]
Tags: Cases,How-to,Presentation,Script,Simulator
June 28, 2012
Simulator Tip: Automated Diagram Creation and Modification Tools
Simulator provides a number of tools to aid you in creating and modifying system diagrams rapidly and efficiently: You can specify default drawing values for display objects based on object type and nominal kV. These values can also be saved to or loaded from auxiliary files providing continuity when creating multiple diagrams. Insert palettes for […]
April 16, 2012
Creating and Modifying System Diagrams
Simulator provides a number of tools to aid you in creating and modifying system diagrams rapidly and efficiently: You can specify default drawing values for display objects based on object type and nominal kV. These values can also be saved to or loaded from auxiliary files providing continuity when creating multiple diagrams. Insert palettes for […]
Tags: Cases,Technical Papers,Tip
October 4, 2011
Competition Requires Transmission Capacity: The Case of the U.S. Northeast
The following cases were used to generate their respective figures in the July 2000 article in Regulation magazine entitled: “Competition Requires Transmission Capacity: The Case of the U.S. Northeast”. All files in the below list are *.zip files containing PowerWorld Binary (*.pwb) and PowerWorld Display (*.pwd) files. These cases may be viewed using PowerWorld Viewer, which is available here for free download. […]
Tags: Cases,Simulator,Technical Papers,Viewer
July 1, 2000
Edison Electric Institute Class, March 2000
Small sample cases and slides from Edison Electric Institute (EEI) class by Tom Overbye, March 2000.
Tags: Cases,Presentation
March 1, 2000