Applying Updates to Hardware Licenses
To perform the following instructions, you will need a .V2C file provided by PowerWorld. Once you have completed the following instructions, your hardware key will unlock Simulator or Retriever with the updated features. Locate the machine that hosts the hardware key. Simulator or Retriever must be installed on this machine to complete the process. Start […]
Tags: FAQ,Retriever,Simulator,Tip,Tutorial
July 23, 2018
Remote License Troubleshooting
If you are trying to start Simulator or Retriever using a remote license but the hardware key is not detected, you may need to manually point to the hardware key’s location on the network. To configure where your machine goes to look for remote license keys, make sure to run the full Simulator or Retriever installation […]
Tags: FAQ,Retriever,Simulator,Tip,Tutorial
June 10, 2013
Video Capture
PowerWorld Simulator does not include a built-in tool for video capture or movie making. Commercial and freeware tools are available from other sources to capture video from PowerWorld Simulator, Retriever, and any other desktop applications. Current offerings may be found here, or by simply searching online for video capture software.
Tags: FAQ,How-to,OPS-X Trainer,Retriever,Simulator,Viewer
February 21, 2013
How do the key fields and required fields for aux files and copy/paste from Excel work?
Each object type in Simulator (i.e. Loads, Generators, Buses, etc…) has a number of key fields and additional required fields. Key fields are fields that must be included for existing records when pasting data into Simulator from a spreadsheet application such as MS Excel or when loading information from an aux file. Required fields are fields that must be specified (in addition […]
July 5, 2012
Can I solve a Real-Time power flow in Retriever?
Yes. The data that is imported from the real-time sources can be substituted for the underlying system data to solve a real-time power flow in Retriever, provided that: a complete system model with all required object fields necessary to run a power flow solution is provided (see case validation), and the underlying model fields (when […]
July 5, 2012
What method does the OPF/SCOPF solution use?
It is a sequential linear programming optimal power flow. We use our own revised simplex code.
July 5, 2012
I am getting $5000 / MW-hr LMP’s. Can that be correct?
If a constraint cannot be enforced due to insufficient controls, the slack variable associated with enforcing that constraint cannotbe removed from the LP basis. Marginal cost depends on the arbitrary cost of the slack variable. This value defaults to $5000 per MW-hr in order to enforce the equality constraint that a control area’s generation should […]
July 5, 2012
Can I have negative marginal prices? What do they mean?
Yes, in highly congested systems you can in fact see negative LMP’s at a bus (or buses). This is always coupled with high LMP’s at other buses. A negative LMP means that serving an additional MW of load at the negative LMP bus will reduce the operating cost. More flow to the load creates a […]
July 5, 2012
How can I simulate varying quantities? Can I store the results?
You can simulate varying quantities (and store the results) by using the Time Step Simulation (TSS) tool. TSS allows you to specify operating conditions and obtain power flow solutions for a set of points in time. It provides the tools needed to analyze the operation of a power system hour by hour. TSS is included in […]
July 5, 2012
How does Simulator convert transmission line flow between MVA and Amps?
Variables that are calculated by a power flow are the MVA flow leaving a bus along a transmission line and the bus voltage. -The MVA flow is the total MVA flow on all three phases of the transmission line (S3-ø). -The voltage is the line-to-line voltage (Vline-line) Current is only defined for a single phase, […]
July 5, 2012