How can I simulate varying quantities? Can I store the results?
You can simulate varying quantities (and store the results) by using the Time Step Simulation (TSS) tool. TSS allows you to specify operating conditions and obtain power flow solutions for a set of points in time. It provides the tools needed to analyze the operation of a power system hour by hour. TSS is included in […]
July 5, 2012
How does Simulator convert transmission line flow between MVA and Amps?
Variables that are calculated by a power flow are the MVA flow leaving a bus along a transmission line and the bus voltage. -The MVA flow is the total MVA flow on all three phases of the transmission line (S3-ø). -The voltage is the line-to-line voltage (Vline-line) Current is only defined for a single phase, […]
July 5, 2012
What power flow algorithm does PowerWorld use?
Simulator uses a full Newton-Raphson algorithm, with non-divergence control. Simulator can solve power systems with up to 100,000 buses, and an almost unlimited number of lines. Simulator has been used to solve FERC 715 cases for all of the NERC (North American Electric Reliability Council) regions. The largest cases we’ve seen so far have been […]
July 5, 2012
How do I filter a case information display so that it only shows the information I need?
You can filter case information displays by Area/Zone/Owner and/or by applying a custom filter (called Advanced Filtering). Area/Zone/Owner Filters To hide all records assigned to a particular area, zone, or owner: Click the Area/Zone/Owner filters button on the case information toolbar or select Case Information >> Area/Zone/Owner Filters from the main menu. The resulting dialog has three […]
July 3, 2012
When I pasted in (or imported from an aux file) information for a generator record, the AGC field changed to “NO”. Why is this occurring and how do I correct it?
This is an option on the Environment tab of the Solution/Environment Options dialog. If a value is pasted in for Gen MW, then Simulator assumes that you desire to have Gen MW specified. As a result, Simulator automatically sets the AGC field for that machine to “NO.” Additionally, when importing data either from an aux file, or […]
July 3, 2012
How do I create a new record by pasting in data from another application?
To create a new record by pasting in data, you must: Be in Edit mode Ensure that you include all key fields and required fields for the object type you are creating. Ensure the format of the pasted information is correct (see Required Format below). Place the data to be pasted on the clipboard by highlighting the data in […]
July 3, 2012
How do I copy and paste from Simulator case information displays?
PowerWorld Simulator can do a lot, but how would you like to extend Simulators abilities to include all the power of a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel or Corel Quattro Pro? To copy and paste from case information displays, right-click on the display and use the options in the resulting local menu. For more […]
July 3, 2012
How do I display a border for a region (such as New England, or the Southeastern United States) without displaying the individual state (county/country/province) boundaries inside the region?
Use the Split Background Line and Merge Background Lines options available by right-clicking on the desired object(s). The idea is to split the borders at the vertex points where one border object (such as a state) meets an adjoining border object, then to merge all of the newly created individual lines to create the boundary for the region you […]
July 3, 2012
Why do the rotors of the generators do not spin anymore?
The rotors can be set to spin by editing the display options. Select Options >> Oneline Display from the main menu. On the display options tab of the oneline display options dialog, there is a field labeled “Change in Gen Rotor Angle per Refresh (degrees)” If the value is set to zero, the rotors appear stationary when […]
July 3, 2012
How do I reroute transmission lines on a diagram?
You can only route transmission lines while in Edit Mode. Hold down Ctrl then left-click on a line to add a vertex to the line. Once the vertex has been added, you can click and hold the left mouse button to drag the vertex to the desired location. To delete a vertex, hold down Ctrl […]
July 3, 2012