How do I quickly hide and show display objects on my diagram?
There are a number of options for hiding or showing objects. Choose between the use of Screen Layers, One-line Views, Keyboard Shortcuts, Conditional Displays, and Dynamic Formatting to control the display of objects. Please see the help files included with your software for more information.
July 3, 2012
How do I modify the colors and general scheme of a large diagram?
New Diagrams: You can set default drawing values by selecting Options >> Default Drawing Values from the main menu. Exisitng Diagrams: Use the Select by Criteria tool to select all objects meeting a specific criteria then format the objects as a group. See Select/Format Multiple Objects or Simulator Tips: Creating and Modifying System Diagrams for more information.
July 3, 2012
How do I copy Simulator one-lines or dialog boxes to put in my reports and presentations?
Copying Simulator one-lines Simulator one-lines provide outstanding graphical visualization capabilities. The diagrams created convey a wealth of engineering and economic information in an easy to understand format. For this reason, our customers are always interested in copying these graphics into other Windows applications such as a word processor or presentation program. The best way to […]
July 3, 2012
How do I select and format groups of objects on a diagram?
You must be in Edit Mode to format objects. To select a single object, left-click on the object. You can then format the object by using the options available from the Format menu. To select multiple objects use Shift Select, Select Region, or Select by Criteria (see below); then use the options available on the […]
July 3, 2012
How do I prevent contours from bleeding into the ocean (or other regions on the diagram)?
Use stack levels. Create a filled, solid object in the background stack level to provide a boundary for the contour. Explanation: PowerWorld diagrams have four different stack levels: top, middle, background and base. Objects in higher stack levels have display priority when multiple objects fall in the same location on a diagram. That is, if two […]
July 3, 2012
What are contours and how can I use them?
Simulator has the ability to contour the system parameters on the one-line diagram. The output of the contouring is a plot very similar to the temperature contours seen in the newspaper, except a system parameter, not temperature, is being contoured. This feature can be extremely useful for rapidly assessing power system conditions in a large […]
July 3, 2012
Are zooming and panning supported on the diagrams?
Yes, you can easily zoom and/or pan the diagrams. Additionally, display objects on the diagram can be set so that they are only visible at certain zoom levels. This allows you to zoom into a portion of the one-line and show successively more detail as you zoom in. A find command is also available to allow you to easily locate a particular […]
July 3, 2012
How do I animate flows without continuously solving the power flow?
Select Options >> Solution/Environment from the main menu. Check the Display Only option on the Oneline tab of the resulting dialog then click OK. Next, select Simulation >> Solve and Animate from the main menu or click the Solve and Animate button on the Run Mode toolbar.
July 3, 2012
How do I show animated flows on the diagrams? Can the animations be customized?
Check the box marked Show Animated Flows on the Animated Flows tab of the Oneline Display Options dialog (select Options >> Oneline Options from the main menu to open the dialog). Yes, the animated flows are easily customized via the Animated Flows tab of the Oneline Display Options dialog. Customization options include: Size Color Shape Density Animation Parameter (actual flow or percent flow) […]
July 3, 2012
Is it possible to (How do I) build a large diagram quickly?
Simulator provides a number of tools for rapid diagram creation. These include: insert pallettes for areas, buses, substations, and zones, and the ability to auto insert lines, interfaces, generators, switched shunts, line flow pie charts, circuit breakers, line flow objects, buses, substations, borders, and GIS data from shape files. For more information on using these tools, see Simulator Tips: Creating […]
July 3, 2012