
Automation Server (SimAuto)

The Simulator Automation Server (SimAuto) allows you to take advantage of the power of automation to extend the functionality of PowerWorld Simulator to any external program that you write. Using Simulator Automation Server you can launch and control PowerWorld Simulator from within another application, enabling you to: access the data of a Simulator case, perform defined Simulator functions and other data manipulations, and send results back to your original application, to a Simulator auxiliary file, or to a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet.

The Simulator Automation Server acts as a COM Object, which can be accessed from various Windows-based programming languages that support COM compatibility. Examples of programming tools with COM compatibility are Borland® Delphi, Microsoft® Visual C++, and Microsoft® Visual Basic, just to name a few.

Download Example SimAuto Files

With COM (Component Object Model) technology incorporated into PowerWorld Simulator, you obtain the following benefits:

  • Ability to create custom applications to automate frequent tasks;
  • Addition, modification, and retrieval of Simulator case data at runtime;
  • Capability to carry out such development with the most simple and common tools; and
  • Easy integration of results into Microsoft® Excel.