
New Synthetic Power Flow Cases

May 3, 2017

A new website has been added by Texas A&M University providing a repository of publicly available, non-confidential synthetic power system test cases, including cases with up to 2000 buses. Electric Grid Test Cases This repository includes cases in a number of formats; you can also download a synthetic 2000 bus PWB here (and its corresponding PWD)

Synthetic Power Flow Cases

June 21, 2016

The Illinois Center for a Smarter Electric Grid (ICSEG), part of the Information Trust Institute (ITI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is developing synthetic power system models based entirely on publicly available information. These can be used for research and testing without violating confidentiality agreements or Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) regulations. Models […]

High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Analysis

June 6, 2016

PowerWorld is developing tools for incorporating HEMP into power flow and transient stability analysis. Professor Tom Overbye of the University of Illinois and PowerWorld co-founder, recently delivered this presentation to the PSERC Industry Advisory Board. Interested customers are encouraged to contact us about beta-testing these tools. (Contact information is listed below.) Visualization The following contour graphics […]

Tom Overbye to Move to Texas A&M

February 23, 2016

PowerWorld is pleased to announce that Tom Overbye, the original developer of the PowerWorld software and a co-founder of the company, has accepted a position at Texas A&M University as a TEES Distinguished Research Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.   This appointment is anticipated to start on or before January of 2017. Dr. […]

PowerWorld Authored Article in the Journal of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

January 25, 2016

Link Abstract The installation of vast quantities of additional new sensing and communication equipment, in conjunction with building the computing infrastructure to store and manage data gathered by this equipment, has been the first step in the creation of what is generically referred to as the “smart grid” for the electric transmission system. With this […]