Several recorded training modules from the 2-day course, Introduction to PowerWorld Simulator: Interface and Common Tools, are available here for free viewing. A dual-monitor system is recommended to enable viewing of the training video alongside the PowerWorld Simulator application. If you don’t yet have PowerWorld Simulator you can perform most of the exercises covered in these training modules on our free 13-bus evaluation version.
Download Sample Cases and Oneline Diagrams used in training modules.
I0: The PowerWorld Simulator User Interface
I1: The PowerWorld Simulator Case Editor and One-line Diagrams
Background and History of PowerWorld Corporation; PowerWorld Simulator Model Architecture and GUI; Display/Model Relationships; Edit and Run Modes; Opening a Case; Area/Zone/Owner Filters; Bus View Oneline; Building a Oneline Diagram; Inserting Geographic Borders; Adding Buses to Oneline; Auto-Insert Lines, Gens, Loads, Shunts; Bus Palette; Entering Buses, Gens, Lines; Saving the Case; Moving Objects; Panning and Zooming; Undo Drawing Actions; Drawing Grid; Entering Object Fields; Solving the Case; Online Help; Default Drawing Values; Selecting Multiple Objects; Formatting Objects; Screen Layers; Display Levels; Adding Other Objects; Background Lines; Oneline Local Menu (right click); Modifying Display Detail; Pie Charts; Animated Flows; Thumbnail View; Saving Views; Finding Buses; Bus Renumbering
I3: The Model Explorer and Case Information Displays
Model Explorer; Case Information Displays; Case Information Toolbar; Display/Column Options; Find and Search; Define Expression; Set/Toggle Values; Column Functions; Filtering; Sorting; Export to Text and Graphics Formats; Interchange with Excel; Key and Required Fields; Case Info Options; Local Menu (right click); Custom Case Info Displays
I4: Auxiliary File Format, Data Section
DATA Sections; Key and Required Fields; Example; SUBDATA; Example; Help References; Relation to Case Info Display; Display Aux Files; Example
I5: Aggregation of Data: Areas, Zones, Interfaces, and More
Areas and Zones; Interfaces; Nomograms; Oneline Graphics and Fields; Super Areas; Injection Groups; Substations; Difference Flows; Comparing Two Cases
I6: Contouring and Advanced Visualization
Contouring; Contour Dialog; Contour Type Options; Custom Color Maps; Contour Examples; Emphasis of Display Objects; Dynamic Formatting; GIS Support; Shape Files; Other GIS Tools
I7: Power Flow Analysis and Voltage Control
Formulation of Power Flow; Newton’s Method; Solution Options; Island-based AGC; DC Power Flow; General Options; Other Simulator Options; Generator AVR; Remote Regulation; Switched Shunts; LTC Transformers
I8: Generator and Area Real Power Control
Scaling Load and Generation; Generator MW Control; Generator Cost Models; Area Interchange Control; Economic Dispatch; Participation Factor Control; Area Slack Bus Control; Area Transactions; Area Control across Islands; Using Heat Rates
I9: Limit Monitoring
Limit Monitoring Dialog; Limit Group and Rating Set; Area and Zone Monitoring; Create Limit Group; Radial Elements
I10: Contingency Analysis
Contingency Actions in Simulator; Contingency Analysis Tool; Defining Contingencies; Contingency Elements; Auto-Insertion; Running Contingency Analysis; Navigating Results; Solution Options; Reference State; Modeling Options; Contingency Summary Log
I11: Linear Sensitivity Analysis
Power Transfer Distribution Factors (PTDF); PTDFs on One-line Diagram; Transmission Loading Relief (TLR)/Generation Shift Factors (GSF); Multiple Direction PTDF; Multiple Element TLR/GSF; Line Outage Distribution Factors (LODF); Outage Transfer Distribution Factors (OTDF); Flow and Voltage Sensitivities; Loss Sensitivities; Line Loading Replicator; Connections Analysis (Path Distance to Buses, Shortest Path, Facility Analysis, Branches that Create Islands)
I12: Auxiliary File Format, Script Section
Overview; Script Sections; Modes and Submodes; Reference Manual; Script Command Window; List of Script Actions; Example: Difference Cases and Aux Files; Display Auxiliary Files
I13: Fault Analysis
Overview; Fault Location and Type; Sequence Data; Impedance and Pre-fault Profile; Bus Fault Example; Visualizing Results; Line Fault Example; Other Notes
I14: Equivalents (slides only)
I15: SimAuto Automation Server
Overview; Applications; Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Demonstration; Browsing the VBA Code; VBA Object Browser; Referencing the Simulator Type Library; SimAuto Tips; SimAuto Functions; SimAuto Help Reference; Simulator Object and Field Reference
I16: Trans Line Calc (slides only)
I17: Time Step Simulation and Weather (slides only)
Time Step Simulation Essentials: time zones, time points and setting up the time step grid, tsb files, scheduled and subscriptions, tracking results, solving the time step simulation; Incorporating Weather: importing weather files, visualizing weather and playing “Weather Only”, generator weather (PFW) models, solving with generator weather models; Other Time Step Features