Features and Improvements
- Difference Case Tool: Added the GE Long ID field for loads to the Difference Case tool.
- Scheduled Actions: When closing disconnects that are in series with breakers when using the Use Normal Status option, also close disconnects that are in series with Load Break Disconnects. This makes sense because we are treating breakers and load break disconnects the same when we are identifying breakers to open or close devices.
- Time Step Simulation: When monitoring load results during the time step simulation, access violation could occur. This has been fixed.
- Time Step Simulation: Added a new TSB version that will save load results. These were previously not being saved. Users will need to make sure that they have the latest version 20 patch or that they save the TSB in the correct version for the version of Simulator that they have.
- Time Step Simulation: Fixed bug with reading loads for which custom results are monitored. The correct load ID was not being used so not all loads at a given bus were being marked as Time Selected = YES. Duplicate loads could also end up being added to the list of loads to monitor.
- Time Step Simulation: When loading a TSB file that was saved in a later version than the current version of Simulator can handle, pop a message dialog indicating this.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug that would occur when running transient stability on a full-topology model.