Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: Changing string grids so that they behave more sanely. If you enter a value and click away, depending on where you click, the string grid will perform one of these things:
1) If you click within a valid cell in the string grid, the value will be put into the old cell.
2) If you click within the grid, but *not* within a valid cell, the value will be discarded.
3) If you click outside of the grid entirely, the value will be put into the old cell.
This has been changed so that clicking away *always* puts the value. Furthermore, pressing the Escape key while typing will cancel entry and return to the old value. - Contingency Analysis Tool: When a contingency solution results in the change in MW injection (usually loss of generation) such that the generators in the island are unable to make-up for this change, then Simulator will return the string "RESERVE LIMITS" in the Violations columns for a particular contingency. This is done to indicate that the contingency result may not be reliable because all the additional make-up power has gone to the island slack bus. In this patch we have modified it so that if the island has ZERO generators which are set to (AGC=YES) and (PartFact>0) then we do not bother returning the RESERVE LIMITS flag.
- Contingency Analysis Tool: Modified the various Contingency fields showing the number of violations so that if the Solved field is equal to "RESERVE LIMITS", then we now show the number of violations that were recorded anyway. Previously we showed the string "All make-up power at limits". We will now assume the user can look at the Solved field to know this. The violations are still recorded when "RESERVE LIMITS" is listed, so showing the user this count is useful.
- Contingency Analysis Tool: On a Contingency table, added color highlighting to the Solved and various violation count columns. If the contingency has Processed=YES, then the colors are based on the Solved field as follows
* YES : normal fill color
* NO : light red fill color
* ABORTED : light orange fill color
* RESERVE LIMITS : light yellow fill color - File Formats: Updated the ABB EMS contingency parser to use different names. The number has been removed from the contingency name.
- Power Flow Solution: removed some log messages about dropping MTDC converter setpoints if the drop in the setpoint is less than 0.1%.
- Transient Stability: Added a new Conversion of value to plot option for Derivative. This automatically calculated the digital derivative of the signal by taking differences between values and dividing by the time difference.
- Transient Stability: When plotting from the hard-drive values, the plot series always plotted the "Actual Value" regardless of the option set for Conversion of Value to plot. Hard drive plotting has been fixed to correctly perform Percent of Initial Value, Deviation, and Percent Deviation