Features and Improvements
- Transient Stability: Added option with a SubPlot regarding whether to show the legend. "YES" means always show legend. "No" means never show legend. "Default" means show the legend if the number of plot series is below the global threshold specified on the plot tab of the Plot Designer. The default behavior is "Default" which matches the previous hardcoded feature.
- Transient Stability: Modified the network boundary equation treatment of the svsmo3 switched shunt model for modeling SVCs. All other switched shunt models (including svsmo1 and svsmo2) are modeled as an impedance in the network equations. The svsmo3 however is now handled internally in PowerWorld Simulator as a constant current injection instead. This matches the treatment used for various generator machine models such as wt3g, wt4g, regc_a, pvd1, etc.
- Transient Stability: Fixed an error with handling the non-windup limits on PI loops in the svsmo1, svsmo2, and svsmo3 models.