Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: In Version 20 we added the Quick Filter drop-down directly on the Filter toolbar. As part of doing this we changed the caption of the button for opening the quick filter dialog to "Dialog". This also changed the caption of the button under the Filter drop-down the the Case Information Toolbar to "Dialog" which caused confusion. We have changed the caption under the Filter drop-down back to "Quick Filter..." to be consistent with previous versions.
- Case Information Displays: The list of secondary filter classes available for objects has continued to grow to provide flexibility. However this has made the Filter drop-down menu on the case information toolbar extremely long as a result. We have organized this drop down menu so that object types are grouped by type such as "Network", "Aggregations", etc... Secondary filter classes that are in the same grouping will continue to appear directly under the filter submenu, but those in a different grouping have been moved inside an additional sub menu.
- Oneline Diagrams: Added a new field to a Branch object called the "BranchCloseAngleThreshold". Specifying a non-zero value for this field will impact how oneline diagrams behave for this branch. When clicking on the circuit breaker objects on a oneline diagram that represent the status of a particular branch, if the branch is presently OPEN and the angle difference across the branch is greater than the threshold specified, then the oneline diagram will not permit you to close in this branch. This was added to help users perform operating training simulations.
- Oneline Diagrams: Added ability to include arrows on the generator cost multiplier field.
- Transient Stability: modified the Transient Stability tab on Load dialog to always show the "Terminal and State Values" tab so that the user knows it's available. Previously this tab would be hidden on the load dialog if the transient stability simulation had not been initialized. Now it will always appear, but if the simulation is not initialized then it will show all empty values.
- Distributed Computation: Added a message to the log when all remote SimAuto sessions have finished when running distributed contingency analysis.
- Sensitivity Calculations: Corrected the warning message that is shown when doing a PTDF calculation from the PTDF dialog with a seller and buyer of injection groups. If either of the injection groups does not have any nonzero participation factors, the error message indicated that both of them did not have any nonzero participation factors. This message has been fixed to show the correct injection group that does not have nonzero participation factors.