Bug Fixes
- Contingency Analysis: When using the linearized contingency solution methods, disconnected buses were not being reported as violations when requested by the user. This has been fixed.
- General: Fixed bug that would not allow Owners to be properly updated for generators.
- General: Fixed bug that would not allow an Owner to be deleted even though it was empty.
- Integrated Topology Processing (ITP): When using the contingency tool to Convert to Device Contingencies it is now assumed that new energized islands cannot be created due to the actions of a contingency. Previously, the power flow solution option of "Dynamically add/remove slack buses as topology is changed" would be used, but now this option is always assumed false. This means that generators and loads that could form an energized island will now appear as devices in the resulting contingency element conversion.
- Sensitivity Calculations: Fixed two bugs with the LODF Screening tool.
(1) When setting the Lines to Process option to use Defined Contingencies, Remedial Action Elements were being included. This doesn't make sense for this tool. These are now ignored.
(2) When choosing the Lines to Monitor option as Limit Monitoring Settings all lines would be monitored. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Fixed issue with closing in a synchronous machine in transient stability. This was possible if the bus was connected in the initiation coniditon, but the generator was set to status of OPEN. It is now also possible even if the bus is disconnected initially.
- User Interface Dialogs: Fixed bug that would not show the correct Unit Type on the generator dialog when opened while in Edit Mode.
- User Interface Dialogs: The Layers dropdown on the Oneline Ribbon tab was missing and has been added back in.