Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Modified so that the "Object" field of a ContingencyElement, RemedialActionElement, CTGElementBlockElement, PostPowerFlowActionsElement. For any elements related to changing branch impedance, bypass, phase shift angle, or MW setpoint, the "Object" field could start with either "SERIESCAP" or with "PHASESHIFTER". The Object field will now always start with the string "BRANCH" instead to make it consistent with the treatment of other objects.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added more parameters to ExportOneline script command. Syntax is now ExportOneline("filename", "onelinename", ImageType, [ExportOptions]). ExportOptions is used if the image type is JPG or GIF. Options for JPG are [ImageQuality, ResolutionScalar] and options for GIF are [NumFrames, FrameDelay, ResolutionScalar].
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): When using the LoadAXD script command and the oneline is not open, a new oneline will be created even if calling the script command from Simulator. Previously, this would only work when calling from SimAuto or Retriever.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): The OpenOneline script command will now open a oneline is called from Simulator. Previously, this would only work when calling from SimAuto or Retriever.
- Transient Stability: Modified the list of transient stability states so that using show dialog would work for a SwitchedShunt and Branch can be opened.
- Transient Stability: Modified so that Show Dialog is available from the local menu for a list of Transient Stability State Limit Violations.
- Transient Stability: Ability to add more than one DISTRELAY relay at each end of the branch. Related to this, modified the hard-coded coordination to only coordinate with one another if the “Device ID” string of the two DistRelays are the same. For example: Relay with Device Id "B" at From bus will coordinate with relay with Device Id "B" at the To bus, and so on.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): When loading a DC Transmission Line SetTo MW action, we were storing this internally as a "MWPF" action (which is used with Load object SetTo actions). This did not impact PowerWorld Simulator's behavior as we continued to implement this as a change in the MW setpoint, however it did cause us to then write out the future AUX files using MWPF instead which was not consistent. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Fixed an problem with the svsmo2 transient stability model. When determining every combination of shunt block within the SwitchedShunt, Simulator had missed the obvious choice of picking only a single block. The example case that presented a problem had blocks of about 20, 40, and 80 available and was oscillating between the choice of 60 and 100 (20+40 and 20+80), but was skipping over the obvious NomMvar of 80. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a bug with DISTRELAY reclosing again even when the parameter to RecloseWithFault was set to 0.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug in TS load dialog in which system models could not be deleted.