Features and Improvements
- User Interface Dialogs: Added data maintainer to Area/Zone/Substation section of the Bus, Shunt, Gen, Line, and Load dialogs.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): When loading TransferLimiters from an aux file and contingencies do not exist, create contingencies with the case specified for the name rather than all upper case.
- Contingency Analysis: Return the system state to the failed power flow solution state during contingency analysis if there are SOLUTIONFAIL actions but none of them are implemented.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a PI derivative in SCL1C model.
- Transient Stability: The derivative of the PI integrator wasn't set to zero when at the limits for ST4C, ST6C and ST8C models.
- Transient Stability: Corrected OEL5C to initialize to VOEL = Ibias, and also make sure that Ibias >= Vr(t=0) (from Exciter)
- Transient Stability: Added ability to use Copy/Paste from Excel to define TSPlayInSignal data to create Playin structures. Also added case information displays which show a list of all PlayInInfo objects and another to show a list of all PlayInSignal objects.
- Transient Stability: TS Model OEL5C is now more robust for all possible situations during initialization when OEL is (a) Not Limiting { VOEL = max }, (b) Limiting { min < VOEL < max}, and also (c) Fully Limiting { VOEL = min }
- Transient Stability: TS Model UEL2C is now more robust for all possible situations during initialization when OEL is (a) Least Limiting { VUEL = min }, (b) Limiting { min < VUEL < max}, and also (c) Most Limiting { VUEL = max }