Features and Improvements
- General: Added ability to define "CustomFieldToggleChoice" objects which allow you to define a user-defined list of toggle choices for the CustomSingle, CustomFloat and CustomString fields for object. For toggleable Custom Fields we will only allow them to set the field to one of the choices. Otherwise we set the entry to blank. For custom integers or floats we will set it to the "closest" match. Modified so if custom fields are given toggle choices, then the user may not type in the value on the Custom Tab of various object dialogs. Instead the user must use a drop-down button to choice from among the choices.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): The filename for saving the oneline when using the ExportOneline script command will now support the special keywords starting with @ and the PROMPT functionality.
- Oneline Diagrams: When auto inserting line pie charts and choosing not to insert pie charts on lines where pie charts already exist, pie charts would not be inserted if Line Flow Objects existed on the lines. This has been fixed so that only line pie charts are considered when adding new pie charts.