Individual welfare maximization in electricity markets including consumer and full transmission system modeling
J.D. Weber, “Individual welfare maximization in electricity markets including consumer and full transmission system modeling,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, September 1999.
Tags: Technical Papers
September 1, 1999
Actual PJM LMPs
Acutal PJM Locational Marginal Price Data as Shown in PowerWorld Simulator Contour Plot, several hours on July 19, 1999 by PowerWorld Corporation (several slides, 717 kB).
Tags: Presentation,Simulator
July 19, 1999
Market Power Evaluation in Power Systems with Congestion
Market Power Evaluation in Power Systems with Congestion, by Tom Overbye, presented at 1999 IEEE Summer Meeting.
Tags: Presentation,Simulator
June 29, 1999
How the Power Grid Behaves
How the Power Grid Behaves, by Tom Overbye, presented at 1999 April AAPG Meeting.
Tags: Presentation
April 1, 1999
Evaluating Market Power in Congested Power Systems
K.J. Patten, “Evaluating Market Power in Congested Power Systems,” M.S. thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 1998
Tags: Technical Papers
December 1, 1998
Implementation of a Newton-based optimal power flow into a power system simulation environment
J.D. Weber, “Implementation of a Newton-based optimal power flow into a power system simulation environment,” M.S. thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, January 1997
Tags: Technical Papers
January 1, 1997