
PowerWorld Simulator 17

January 11, 2013

PowerWorld Simulator 17 has been released! New features include web-based help documentation that is continuously updated, available Geomagnetically Induced Current (GIC) analysis add-on, Distributed Flexible AC Transmission System (D-FACTS) device modeling, and transient stability support for line relay models. A complete listing of what’s new in version 17 may be found here or at the […]

PowerWorld Participates in NERC GMD Task Force

November 27, 2012

PowerWorld Corporation has been participating in NERC’s Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (GMDTF) and will be represented at the November 29, 2012 meeting at EPRI’s Washington DC office. The GMDTF has been extremely helpful in providing guidance and industry feedback for development of the leading PowerWorld Simulator GIC software for analyzing the impact of geomagnetically-induced currents […]

CWLP wins with PowerWorld

May 9, 2012

City Water, Light & Power (Springfield, IL) was awarded an Example of Excellence by NERC for using PowerWorld Retriever to enhance System Situational Awareness.

New FirstRate cost models

May 9, 2012

FirstRate™ generator cost models are now available for FERC 715 cases corresponding to the April 2011 filings (MMWG and ERCOT). The WECC edition is available for the April 2010 filings. FirstRate™ helps harness the power of Simulator OPF. Download free samples.