Software Patches

October 31, 2017

Bug Fixes

  • Difference Case Tool: Fixed error in ownership filtering of base case objects in the difference case tool.
  • Power Flow Solution: When choosing the Power Flow Solution Advanced Option to "Evaluated Power Flow Solution for Each Island", if the island ends up being short of controllable generation or load hit MW limits, then a dialog will appear indicating "Some islands did not have enough controllable generation or load and are hitting RESERVE LIMITS. Click OK to open the islands case information display in the Model Explorer". This will then open the island case information display which now has the Solved column as a default column which will say "RESERVE LIMITS" for islands that don't have enough control.
  • Simulator Automation Server (SimAuto): Updating RegSimAuto so that it notifies the user that 32-bit RegSimAuto doesn't affect 64 bit registration and vice versa. Also gives more visual feedback that a version of Simulator *is* registered, but not the one that is currently registered by the running RegSimAuto.