Software Patches

July 31, 2013

Features and Improvements

  • Contingency Analysis Tool: Added the ability to specify a list of Categories with contingencies and Custom Monitors. Categories determine which custom monitors are active for a contingency. For a monitor if no categories are specified, the monitor will be active for all contingencies. For a contingency if no categories are specified, all monitors will be active for the contingency. Otherwise, a monitor will only be active for a contingency if it has at least on category that matches one of the contingency's categories.
  • Transient Stability: When loading the TSR file, only 20 log messages will be written regarding objects that are not in the present case.
  • Transient Stability: Added a message to the log when the minimum and maximum B values for switching and min and max continuous B values are switched for SVCs.
  • Transient Stability: Added the ability to specify a list of Categories with a Transient Contingency and Transient Limit Monitor. If no categories are specified for a limit monitor, the limit monitor will apply to all contingencies. If no categories are specified with a contingency, all limit monitors will apply to this contingency. Otherwise, a limit monitor will only be active for a contingency if it has at least one category that matches one of the contingency's categories.
  • Transient Stability: Added a local menu option on the list of transient contingencies called Time Shift Contingency Elements. This will allow you to time shift all contingency elements of selected contingencies by a specific amount of time in seconds.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Optimal Power Flow (OPF): When using DFACTS devices as part of the OPF solution, correct sensitivites were not being calculated resulting in DFACTS devices not being turned on when they should have been. This has been fixed.
    • Optimal Power Flow (OPF): Now correctly using the option specified with areas for allowing DFACTS control during the OPF solution. Previously, this option was being ignored.
    • Transient Stability: Fixed a divide by zero bug when the timestep is zero for the REX exciter model.
    • Transient Stability: When starting a transient at a negative time, the simulation will run correctly, but the case information displays showing the time in seconds may be off by a multiple of 60 seconds. This is purely a display error, but has been fixed.
    • Transient Stability: Biased the playback file frequency values so we interpret them correctly.