Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: Added new expression functions for converting floats representing a date time into strings and also converting strings formatted as date/times into floating point numbers. These function all follow similar syntax as used in Excel functions of the same name.
(1) Text(floatvalue, "formatstring") --> returns a string with the floating point number converted to a data time string using the formatting specified in the format string.
(2) DateValue("datetimestring") --> returns a floating point number representing only the integer part for the date/time floating point
(3) TimeValue("datetimestring") --> returns a floating point number representing only the fractional part for the date/time floating point
(4) DateTimeValue("datetimestring") --> returns a floating point number representing the date/time floating point
See the PowerWorld help documentation for help on the formatstring. - Transient Stability: added support to CHVDC2 to use the parameters which attempt to emulate commutation failure.
- File Formats: When load an EPC file, the intermediate buses of multi-section lines have been modified to be assigned to the DataMaintainer of the branch section that connects to this intermediate bus. For example, a multi-section line has 2 sections and connects Bus A to Bus C, then after reading the EPC file Simulator will have branches from A - B and B - C. The intermediate bus B will be assigned the same DataMaintainer as the branch B - C.
- File Formats: When loading the Areva contingency file include the name of the contingency in the message log when a message is written about not being able to find the object in the contingency elements.
- File Formats: When loading the Areva contingency file and a contingency with the same name already exists prior to loading the file, clear out all elements in the contingency and only keep the ones that are included in the file currently being read.
- File Formats: Fixed some bugs when loading the Areva contingency file when contingencies are already defined in the case. This fix will allow all existing contingencies to be kept and the file will simply append contingencies to the list.
- General: Fixed random access violation that could occur when closing a case if it contains a VSCDCLine or trying to delete a VSCDCLine.
- Oneline Diagrams: When saving a PWD file with many substation, area, or zone objects the saving could be very slow because of saving the swap list that is used when loading the oneline using name_kV linking. This has been fixed.
- Oneline Diagrams: Loading a PWD file containing many substation, area, or zone objects could be very slow when using name_kV linking. This has been fixed.
- Oneline Diagrams: Renumbering the substations, areas, or zones in a case or oneline that contains many of these objects could be very slow. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Fixed some parameter name inconsistencies on the REGC_A, REEC_A, REEC_B, REEC_C, and REPC_A models.
* REGC_A: Parameter name changed to Tg (was Td); Parameter name changed to Tfltr (was T_LVPL)
* REEC_A, REEC_B, REEC_C: Parameter name changed to Trv (was Tv)
* REPC_A: Parameter names changed to fdbd1 and fdbd2 (was dbd1 and dbd2)
These new parameter names match what the standard model was supposed to be so we have changed it to avoid ongoing confusion. Also, these new names match what was on the block diagrams in PowerWorld's help as well.
In coordination with this, also modified so that when reading AUX files or copy/pasting from spreadsheet the old parameter names will still be recognized and read in appropriately so that old files can still be used.