Features and Improvements
- Contingency Analysis Tool: Added a new field to a ViolationCTG names "SourceList" that will be useful when comparing two lists of contingencies results. This field will indicate which list of results this violation existed in. It will either show Both, Comparison, or Controlling.
- Transient Stability: modified so that the State and Other Fields listed for the motors of the CMPLDW and CMPLDWNF models will show the name related to the type of motor (MtypA, MtypB, MtypC, and MtypD). Previously the string would show something like "[Type 3 Speed wr]; [Type 1 Bus Freq]". It will now show either "Speed wr" or "Bus Freq" depending on what the model motor parameter types are for that load model.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed a bug on merging buses with GICXFormers.
- Contingency Analysis: Fixed problem saving contingencies to AUX file.
An access violation was causing an exception that resulted in skipping over the code that saves to aux file. - Transient Stability: When saving transient stability results to hard-drive for LineShunts, Measurement Objects, or Multi-terminal DC line objects, the order of fields in the *.TSR file were not being written properly so those results could not be read appropriately. This did not effect results for Gen, Bus, Load, Branch, or DCLine objects, but could effect other results.
- Transient Stability: The LD1PAC model (as well as the single phase motor portion of the CMPLDW and CMPLDWNF models) automatically calculate a voltage at which the operating curve transitions to the stalling curve for the PQ characteristic. Previously if this voltage (Vstallbrk) ended up below the input voltage Vstall, then Vstallbrk was modified to be Vstall instead. The problem with this was that it can lead to a large discontinuity in the PQ characteristic and can also result in a highly unrealistic load that has a steep increase in P/Q load as voltage decreases. We will now no longer enforce that Vstallbrk be less than Vstall. This means that Vstall is only used with Tstall as a threshold/timer that causes the PQ characteristic to transition to the stall curve and remain there.
- Transient Stability: Modified the behavior of load tripping that causes a fraction of a load to be tripped. Previously, after the load had reached a total trip amount of more than 100%, we would automatically open the load. This wasn't really necessary before because the multiplier applied to the load at the network boundary equations was moved to zero and thus the load acted as completely open anyway, however we had done this in the past to be less confusing to the user. However, the CMPLDW and CPMLDWNF models include an ability reconnect a portion of the load even after tripping 100% of the load. Thus the old behavior would not allow the load to be reconnected once you had removed 100%, but it would if you were at 99% removed. We will now no longer trip a load once the scalar gets to zero.