Software Patches

October 21, 2024

Features and Improvements

  • Model Explorer: It is possible on the Model Explorer to reduce the width of the Fields and Explore Pane to zero in chich case you can not see these panes. This is fine and a user may want to do that to create a screen shot without those panes for example. However when closing the Model Explorer and reopening it the Explore and Fields Pane will still be set to a size of zero which could be confusing to the user. To prevent confusing these will now be set to a minimum width of 20 so that when reopening the Model Explorer they can be seen.
  • Transient Stability: Added a new synchronous machine model GENQEJandC_Beta which is an experimental model which includes both a Kw and Kis term for compensation and saturation modeling. It is a combination of both GENQEC and GENQEJ_Beta.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Weather: Bug fix with WeatherPWWSetDirectory script command