Software Patches

October 19, 2023

Features and Improvements

  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added SetSelected field to DoFacilityAnalysis script command. This is an optional parameter that is NO by default. DoFacilityAnalysis("filename", SetSelectedField). When set to YES the Selected field for branches that are part of the minimum cut will be set to YES. Prior to running the script command the Selected field should be set to desired values for all branches. The script command only sets the Selected field for branches in the minimum cut to YES and does not reset other branches.
  • Power Flow Solution: Prevent angle rotation in an island when (largest angle > 150) and (smallest angle < -150). This is a cosmetic change and does not impact the solution.
  • User Interface Dialogs: Added "Set Selected Field for Branches" checkbox on the Facility Analysis (Minimum Cut) dialog. When this is checked the Selected field for branches that are part of the minimum cut will be set to YES. Prior to finding the minimum cut the Selected field should be set to desired values for all branches. Only the Selected field for branches in the minimum cut will be set to YES and other branches will not be reset.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed access violations that could occur when running the DoFacilityAnalysis script command
    • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): The option to "Treat Blanks as Zero" in custom expressions and custom string expressions was not working correctly and could result in an "Unable to evaluate fields" error. This has been fixed.
    • Contingency Analysis: When running contingency analysis, any generator that is outside its MWMin - MWMax range is turned to AGC=NO during the contingency solution so that PowerWorld is not moving large amounts of generation during redispatch due to an initial generator MW violation. The was an issue however with slack bus generators which can be with a tolerance of their MW limits but still violate the limit. To fix this, during contingency analysis we do not set slack bus generators that are close to their limit to AGC=NO at the start of a contingency solution.
    • GIC: Fixed bug with script command GICTimeVaryingDeleteAllTimes that could occur if the GIC Dialog was also open.
    • Oneline Diagrams: On some computer/monitor setups the oneline image copied to the clipboard was not the correct size. This has been fixed.
    • Power Flow Solution: When dispatching MW generation when there are multiple generators at the slack bus, changed how the dispatch is done. Generators at limits will respect their limits as long as there are other generators available not at limits. If all generators are over limits, all available generators will be modified. Previously it was possible for generators to move so that they all moved within their available range even if no total change was necessary. It doesn't make sense that generators are adjusting their dispatch unless an actual MW change is required.
    • Sensitivity Calculations: When running a shift factor calculation on a full topology model and using the Use Topology Processing Option, it was possible for the system state to remain in the consolidated state if an error occurred while doing the shift factor calculation such as when a calculation is attempted on a branch that is open. This has been fixed.