Features and Improvements
- Transient Stability: Added FRQDCAT/FRQTPAT and VTGDCAT/VTGTPAT transient models and the entire support for allowing multiple instances of the same relay in the gens others models.
- Transient Stability: Modified the treatment of the LD1PAC model in the algebraic network boundary equations when LD1PAC is not stalled. It was possible for the LD1PAC model to cause a voltage collapse when operating in the "running state 2" portion of the curve. We have modified the algebraic equations to relax this equation to make it less likely for this to occur.
- Security Constrained OPF (SCOPF) Tool: When using the DC power flow it was not possible to choose to abort the solution of the SCOPF. This has been fixed so that the Abort button can be clicked to abort the solution.
- Transient Stability: When storing bus results to RAM any loads which included a Distribution Equivalent were not properly saving the MW/Mvar values for the BUS.