Features and Improvements
- File Formats: Added a warning message when reading a RAW file if substation switching devices are found to be between different buses.
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: Added new field with PWPVResultListContainer objects called RemedialActionApplied. This field will indicate if at least one remedial action element was applied for the contingency.
- Transient Stability: Added script command TSTransferStateToPowerFlow(CalculateMis) for allow transferring TS state to the power flow as the dialog allows for. (CalculateMis is either YES or NO and indicates whether
- Transient Stability: When a transient simulation initializes such that the UEL2 model is active at the initial condition, then this represents an initial limit violation. In this situation, if the user option "Modify Limit and Run" has been chosen, then PowerWorld will NOT send a signal to exciter from this UEL2 for the entire simulation. This will allow the exciter to initialize in steady state. The logic here is that entire UEL2 model represents a limit, so if it is active then it is an initial limit violation.
- Transient Stability: Allow the generic object types that show the listing of all transient stability models of a particular type to be accessed through auxiliary and script commands for listing, filtering, and deleting objects. Objects cannot be modified through these generic object types.
- User Interface Dialogs: added the PowerFactor value to the Load Run Mode dialog
- User Interface Dialogs: Modified the dialog show devices that regulate a particular bus to show whether a switched shunt is using the RegTargetVoltHigh value. Also greyed out the value if it is not being used.
- Fault Analysis: Fixed bug of missing neutral impedance values when writing zero sequence data for three winding transformers to SEQ file.
- Sensitivity Calculations: When running a large number of elements for Multiple Element Shift Factor analysis, opening the Display/Column Options dialog for the results grids could be very slow. This has been fixed. Along with this change opening Display/Column Options on other case information displays that allow the display of a large number of sensitivity calculations has been sped up.
- Sensitivity Calculations: When running Multiple Element Shift Factor analysis for lines through the GUI and errors are encountered, there is now an option to skip all remaining error messages or abort the entire process.
- Transient Stability: When the software is allowed to modify limits during initialization, the Imax parameter in REEC_A, REEC_B, REEC_C and REEC_D models is modified to allow for the initial current commands.
- Transient Stability: When the software is allowed to modify limits during initialization, the VDLP and VDLQ lookup tables in REEC_A, REEC_C and REEC_D models are not used if their values are inconsistent with the initial current commands
- Transient Stability: When the software is allowed to modify limits during initialization, the Ke parameter in REEC_D is modified to allow the initial real current command.
- Transient Stability: When the software is allowed to modify limits during initialization, when REEC_A and REEC_B models are associated with a generator with an initial negative MW output, this is treated as a validation error. Autocorrection will make such a model Not Active.
- Transient Stability: When storing VSC DC Line transient results to hard drive this could cause errors in the hard drive storage for some devices other than Bus, Gen, Load, AC line, Transformer and DC lines. Most customers do not have VSC DC Lines defined in their case and were not storing these results so this was not noticed previously.
- Transient Stability: For the UCBGT and UCCPSS governor models, fixed the treatment of non-windup limits for the 3 states feeding into the Low Value Select block when the proportional gain is zero so that the integrator state would not windup. When Kp<>0 this was already handled.
- Transient Stability: For the GGOV1 governor, when Kpgov=0, changed the Kigov integrator state to be a non-windup limit with limits Vmax/Vmin. When Kpgov<>0 this was already acting as a non-windup limit and the vast majority of GGOV1 implementations have Kpgov<>0.