Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Modified so the following objects can return information about any SupplementalData that contains the object referred to by the Violation or Signal: ViolationCTG, LimitViol, TSLimitViolation, TSResultAnalysisSignal, TSResultAnalysisViolation, TSResultAnalysisModeMagAngle
- Case Information Displays: Modified so the following objects can return information about any SupplementalData that contains the object referred to by the Violation or Signal: ViolationCTG, LimitViol, TSLimitViolation, TSResultAnalysisSignal, TSResultAnalysisViolation, TSResultAnalysisModeMagAngle
- Case Information Displays: For switched shunts, Mvar only, added fields to show the range (Max - Min) and the percentage of range. Both of these values are based on the nominal Mvar fields. On the range, since a switched shunt is ultimately switchable, zero is always a valid entry. So if switchedshunt has a fixed value of 100 Mvar, its range would be 100 since it could be opened. On the percentage there are two options. The first is the percent in the range. This value is always >= 0. The second is the percent about zero. This value can be negative if the shunt allows for negative values. For example, with a switchedshunts with limits between -100 and 100 Mvar, if its nominal output is -50 Mvar, the first percent would be 25%, and the second would be -50%.
- Case Information Displays: For buses added fields to show the generator reactive power reserves up and down and also the range.
- Case Information Displays: For Areas, Zones, and Substations, added the generator reactive power range as a field.
- Transient Stability: Added new fields for Transient Nominal Tripped Load for Area, Zones and Injection Groups.
- Transient Stability: For the Transient Result Analyzer, modified the Statistics for the ResultAnalysisSignal to also include the Final Value in the time period being studied
- Transient Stability: Modified TSResultAnalysisSignal and TSResultAnalysisViolation to show the first 9 custom float values for the object of the Signal or Violation. This makes it easy to copy values to the underlying object like a bus, load, etc... to then use for some user purpose.
- Transient Stability: When writing out a DYD file, modified the writing of CMPLDW models to write a #1 instead of a #9 to avoid hitting the maximum number of channels enforced in PSLF.
- User Interface Dialogs: Added a tab showing the list of switched shunts in the area; this matches what has long been available for Zones and Substations.
- User Interface Dialogs: Added fields to Switched Shunt dialog to show the terminal per unit voltage and the nominal voltage.
- Contingency Analysis: If a new Custom Monitor was created after contingency analysis had already been run, the results for the Custom Monitor would not always show up if using the Solve Selected Contingency option. This has been fixed.
- General: In TransLineCalc, fixed the conductor database to have the proper number of significant digits for the various conductor parameters.
- Transient Stability: When tracking the Percent field of a transmission branch, the value in transient stability is always the percentage of the MVA Limit. Previously it was not clear that this was the case.