Software Patches

November 6, 2024

Features and Improvements

  • Contingency Analysis Tool: Modified the loading of files when clicking the Load button on the Contingency Analysis dialog or from the Load Contingency Data under the RAS + CTG Case Info dropdown on the Tools Ribbon tab. Both of these provide access for opening various contingency-related files such as AUX files, PTI contingency (*.con ), PTI load throw over (*.thr ), GE contingency (*.otg), Areva RASMOM and Contingency (*.csv). Previously you could only open one file at a time by clicking on these options. This has been modified so you can now select multiple files in the Open Dialog and choose to open them all at once.
  • Transient Stability: If a transient contingency was set to change the parameters value "By" to be something different than the first selection it was change to the first selection of the event dialog was opened. This was only happening on Generators, VSDCLines and Injection Groups.