Software Patches

November 17, 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): When loading an AUX file or editing a case information display the 3WXFormer fields for RegBusNumSec and RegBusNumTer, the setting of regulated bus number was not being processed correctly. This has been fixe
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): For 3-winding transformers there was a misspelling in the variable name for
    3WXFMagnetizingG and 3WXFMagnetizingG which were spelled
    3WXFMagetizingG and 3WXFMagetizingG instead (notice missing n).
    These misspelling were fixed in Version 22, but Version 22 will also read the old misspelled variable names.
    In Version 21 the misspelling was left, but this patch will now also read the correct spelling so AUX files written in Version 22 can be read in Version 21.
  • Case Information Displays: When show the Area Tielines and adding fields to show the Zone information for the tieline, if the table contained a lot of Load tielines it could be very slow. This was because PowerWorld was returning a list of "ALL zones that belong to the Area of the load" or the "Area of the bus". This could be a long list and would be repeatedly calculated. This has been changed so that instead we return the "Zone of the Load" and the "Zone of the Bus" instead as this is more in keeping with what is done for AC branches which return the "Zone of the Near Bus" and the "Zone of the Far Bus"
  • Contingency Analysis: The contingency solution option to "Dynamically add/remove slack buses as topology is changed (Allow Multiple Islands)" CANNOT be set to allow multiple islands if it has previously been set to not allow multiple islands. This will be enforced when the contingency specific solution options are applied.
  • QV Curve Tool: The QV solution option to "Dynamically add/remove slack buses as topology is changed (Allow Multiple Islands)" CANNOT be set to allow multiple islands if it has previously been set to not allow multiple islands. This will be enforced when the QV specific solution options are applied.