Software Patches

May 7, 2024

Features and Improvements

  • Case Information Displays: Changed the MouseWheel up and down behavior on Case Information Displays to better match what is done in spreadsheet software tools.
    If CTRL key is down we will zoom in and out (same as CTRL + Up/Down arrow keys)
    If SHIFT key is donw we will move the selected cell up/down (this was the old default)
    Otherwise we will scroll the viewed window up or down by 1 row.
  • Case Information Displays: Case Information Column Metrics Histograms now support Show Dialog to show the elements in a histogram bin. Also, string objects are also now supported as well.
  • Case Information Displays: When using the local pop up menu to Copy/Send to Clipboard or Spreadsheet (MS Excel, Open Office), there is now an option to always include the key field column, even if it is not currently being displayed as part of the case information display. This option is stored with the registry, and not stored with the PWB case.
  • Sensitivity Calculations: On the Shift Factors dialog, modified the Disconnected Device Options to use checkboxes for Close Breaker and Close Load Branch Disconnect instead of a dropdown. This changes functionality slightly in that you can choose Load Break Disconnects to use for connecting devices independently of Breakers.
  • Transient Stability: Added a new parameter Vpllfrz to the REGFM_B1 model. When the terminal voltage falls below this threshold then the PLL dynamics are modified to result in a frozen PLL repsonse.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Contingency Analysis: When running Contingency Analysis (non-distributed), the Summary section will now display the start time at the beginning of the run, and keep updating # processed, # unsolvable and # violations while running. Previously, all these values were only being updated after the entire run was completed.
    • Sensitivity Calculations: Fixed access violation that could occur when using the LODF tool to calculate Closure Sensitivities and attempting to close a line using breakers or load break disconnects and the line cannot be connected.
    • Transient Stability: Removed all maximum validation checks on all Tqop, Tqopp, and Tdopp parameters for all synchronous machine models. There was code to prevent very large values (> 20 seconds) from being set on these machines, but there are parameter configurations (such as Xqp = Xq) which result in time constants not being used because the states are ignore, such as when modeling a salient pole synchronous machine with only one damper winding on the q-axis. Simulator was checking for large values of Tqop when it was not useful to do so.