Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added ability to edit the Star Bus Number of a three-winding transformer while in edit mode. This has the effect of renumbering the star bus.
- Case Information Displays: Added ability to edit the Star Bus Number of a three-winding transformer while in edit mode. This has the effect of renumbering the star bus.
- Difference Case Tool: Added ability to differences in TLineShunts objects in the difference flows. This includes the topological differences of new and removed LineShunts.
- File Formats: Added additional generator unit type codes of W1, W2, W3, and W4. These are useful for those building WECC base cases to match the designation used there to distinguish between Type 1, 2, 3, and 4 wind turbines.
- Transient Stability: Added the original Contingency name into the convert Contingency into TSContingency. It eliminates a TScontingency if the name already exists and creates a new one, if do not exists just creates and add the new one with the original name.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Modified to add a message log error entry when reading in a ModelFilterCondition which refers to a Criteria which does not exist.
- Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Tool: When running multiple scenarios ATC tool and viewing the transfer limiters case info display, an access violation could result when closing Simulator and an instance of Simulator could still continue to show up in the Task Manager. Both of these problems have been fixed.
- Transient Stability: When initializing the Distribution Equivalent model in transient stability with an Mbase value that is zero or negative, the assumed MVABase is proportional to the MW of the Load. Previously we based this on the NetMW value of the load (difference between load MW and distributed generation MW). This has been changed so that the transformer and feeder impedances are instead proportional only the Load MW portion.
- Transient Stability: When deleting a TSPlayin, if the PlayIn was referred to by a PlotSeries in transient stability, then an access violation could occur. Now after deleting a TSPlayIn object Simulator will automatically remove references to it from any PlotSeries.
- User Interface Dialogs: Changed Logic Visualization Method to fix access violation that was happening when the screen was refreshed after clicking on a logic gate.