Software Patches

May 19, 2021

Features and Improvements

  • User Interface Dialogs: Updated the Multi-Section Lines dialog to include geography and GIC field support. Also added buttons on the Branch dialog to provide access to the Multi-Section Line dialog. Also also added fields to a branch to show if there are in-service or bypassed series capacitors on lines.
  • Bug Fixes

    • File Formats: Corrected some fields written for SVD devices in the EPC format export.
    • Oneline Diagrams: Fixed a bug where some display elements were not properly linking to their intended anchors when loading a PWD file
    • Transient Stability: Fixed error in how the short-term Rating Curve is applied to the SVSMO3 model. This was not allowing the SVSMO3 to supply a current a multiple of Ishrt higher for a short period of time when configured to do so.