Software Patches

March 28, 2023

Features and Improvements

  • Power Flow Solution: When automatically detecting parallel transformers to ensure taps ratios and regulated buses are consistent, PowerWorld Simulator uses the ZBRThreshold user-input parameter to determine groupings of buses considered the same electrical point. This ZBRThreshold is also used with generator voltage regulation and making the ZBRThreshold too large can cause numerical problems. Transformer tap and regulated bus tests for parallel transformers are not as sensitive to this threshold however, so a larger threshold is useful so that more parallel transformers can be auto-detected. This patch increases the impedance threshold for the purposes of transformers taps to be 4 times the ZBRThreshold. For example, if ZBRThreshold = 0.00029, then for transformers tap tests we will use a value of 0.00116 instead.
  • Scheduled Actions: Update PowerWorld Outage CSV to allow for unmapped actions with unknown device types
  • Bug Fixes

    • Distributed Computation: Fixed a bug generating an error when DistributedComputer credentials were being encrypted. This bug was only in the recently released Version 23.